Flow rate versus time plots for nine experimental conditions, where we vary applied current and anode-to-frit distances. The electrolyte was 0.1 mM borate, and all respective visualizations confirm the occurrence of propagating CP zones (e.g., Fig. 2c). In all realizations, flow rate initially increased sharply, approximately reached a temporary plateau, and then suffered a fairly rapid decay to a final steady value. The inset shows the same data but now flow rate is scaled with current and time is scaled with inverse applied current and anode-to-frit distance. This scaling approximately collapses the transition time between the plateau in flow rate and long-term value. Scaling involving 0.5 cm to 3 cm cathode-to-frit distances (not shown here) showed no such collapse of data. This evidence suggests the anode (in particular the time of arrival at the frit of the low pH anode enrichment zone) has a drastic effect on EO pump performance.