Colocalization of GnRH and c-Fos after surge generation. A, B, Images of dual labeling of GnRH and c-Fos in control (A) and Jak2 G−/− mice (B) at the level of the OVLT. Black arrows point to neurons with labeling of c-Fos (black/gray dot) and GnRH neuron (brown color). White arrows point to neurons labeled only for GnRH. A neuron with dual labeling is bordered by a solid line, with higher magnification to the right. A neuron with only GnRH staining is bordered by a dashed line, with higher magnification to the right. Scale bar, 20 μm. C, Percentage of GnRH neurons with c-Fos at two different regions (n = 4 per group). Values are mean ± SEM, and significance is indicated.