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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Apr 19.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Sep;88(9):742–779. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3181b306ec


Sample characteristics (N = 104)

Age range, yrs 18–64
Mean age, yrs 46.88 (SD = 14.15)
Gender, % 72 M, 28 F
Marital status, %
 Married/living w/SO 63
 Separated/divorced 13
 Widow 3
 Never married 20
Ethnicity, %
 White 89
 Hispanic 4
 Native American 4
 African American 1
 Other 2
Education level, %
 <12 years 14
 12 years 19
 Voc/tech school 10
 Some college 31
 College graduate 15
 Postgraduate 9
Employment status, %a
 Employed full or part time 45
 School full or part time 7
 Retired 18
 Homemaker 8
 Unemployed due to pain 6
 Unemployed due to disability 23
 Unemployed other 13
Reason for amputation, %a
 Injury 83
 Infection 8
 Vascular 4
 Gangrene 8
 Diabetes 0
 Congenital 1
 Other 16
Level of amputation, %
 Shoulder 3
 Above elbow 39
 Elbow 3
 Below elbow 32
 Wrist 5
 Partial hand 14
 Other 3

Multiple answers allowed and thus percentages add up to >100%.