Fig. 5. Ion Transport pathway.
(A) Stereoview of the ion transport pathway viewed from the dimer interface. The protein is shown as a blue ribbon with selected residues Ser165, Glu210 and Try515 shown as sticks. Aqueous cavities connecting to the Cl− binding sites from the extracellular (out) and the intracellular (in) solutions are shown as cyan meshes. The Cl− ions are shown as pink spheres. (B) Stereoview of the electron density map around the ion transport pathway. Weighted 2fo-fc electron density at 3.5 Å, contoured at 1.35σ is colored in cyan. The refined model is shown as sticks. A bromine anomalous difference Fourier map at 4.2 Å from crystals grown in Br− is contoured at 9σ (red). (C) Stereoview of the ion transport pathway. Possible hydrogen bonds between Cl− ions (pink spheres) and protein are shown as dashed lines. Also shown as dashed lines are the possible hydrogen bonds between Glu210 and Try515.