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. 2011 Apr 7;6:30. doi: 10.1186/1746-1596-6-30

Table 1.

Antibodies used for the immunohistochemical examination

Antibody Clone Source Dilution Antigen retrieval Interpretation
CD44 extracellular domain (aminoterminal end) Polyclonal, Ab64929 Abcam, Cambridge,
1/50 Not applied Sinicrope's method*
Zo-1 Polyclonal, 61-7300 Zymed, South San Francisco, CA 1/100 Protease treatment (15 min, 37°C) Linear or dot-like
Occludin Polyclonal, 71-1500 Zymed 1/100 Protease treatment (15 min, 37°C) Linear or dot-like
MMP-7 Monoclonal, 141-7B2 Daiichi Fine Chemical, Takaoka, Japan 1/200 Microwave treatment for 15 min (Dako target retrieval solution [pH 6.0]) Sinicrope's method*
Pancytokeratin Monoclonal, MNF116 Dakocytomation, Glostrup, Denmark 1/50 Microwave treatment for 15 min (Dako target retrieval solution [pH 9.0]) For evaluation of tumor budding
beta-Catenin Monoclonal, 14/beta-catenin BD Transduction laboratories, Lexington, KY 1/200 Microwave treatment for 15 min (Dako target retrieval solution [pH 6.0]) Nuclear, more than 20% judged as positive; membranous and cytoplasmic, Sinicrope's method*
Laminin-5γ2 Monoclonal, 4G1 Dakocytomation 1/50 Microwave treatment for 15 min (Dako target retrieval solution [pH 6.0]) Sinicrope's method*
Sialyl Lewis X Monoclonal, FH6 Ohtsuka Pharmaceutical, Tokushima, Japan 1/2000 Microwave treatment for 15 min (Dako target retrieval solution [pH 6.0]) Sinicrope's method*

• Sinicrope's method is described in Reference [27].