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. 2011 Mar 31;11:32. doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-11-32

Table 3.

Clinical, patient-reported and cost measurements reported in included studies

Study (first author*) Measurements
Clinical Patient-reported Cost

Treatment-related observational studies

Driessen 2008[68] PASI - -

Fortune 2003[6] Time taken to achieve clearance of psoriasis Psychological distress, alcohol intake, HADS -

Lecha 2005[70] psoriasis severity and area, global efficacy and tolerability Patients' satisfaction [tools not described]. -

Naldi 2008[71] PASI, BMI - -

Paul 2003[72] Malignancies - -

Wahl 2005[73] SPASI SF-36, one item on QOL and one assessment of self-acceptance -

Heiberg 2008[74] DAS-28 HAQ; SF-36; SF-6D (utility) -

Kristensen 2008[76] DAS-28, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein EQ-5D (utility) HAQ, VAS-pain, VAS-global, global evaluation -

Sparado 1997[80] Type of therapy; drug continuation; Number of painful and swollen joints; remission - -

Saad 2009[81] Drug persistence; DAS-28 HAQ adapted for UK use and SF-36 -

Non-treatment related observational studies

Carrascosa 2006[84] PASI Direct, indirect

Colombo 2008[11] PASI SF-36, DLQI Direct, indirect

Schmid-ott 2005[85] PASI, SPASI QES -

Husted 2007[2] Mortality; PASI; Duration of morning stiffness, and total numbers of actively inflamed joints; incidence of CVD; malignancies HAQ -

Kane 2003[95] PASI, Ritchie Articular Index, EULAR swollen joint count, joint stiffness on waking. HAQ -

Lindqvist 2008[97] 66/68 joint counts, PASI, physician's global assessment of joint disease activity, and subclassification; remission VAS, HAQ, SF-36 -

*Primary paper for the study or the most recent analysis of the cohort.

PASI, psoriasis area and severity index. HADS, hospital anxiety and depression scale. DAS-28, disease activity score-28. HAQ, health assessment questionnaire. VAS, visual analogue scale. BMI, body mass index. SPASI, self-administered PASI. QOL, quality of life, DMARDs, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. DLQI, dermatology life quality index. QES, questionnaire on experiences with skin complaints.