Figure 2. An overview of metabolism and transport in Fibrobacte succinogenes S85.
Enzymes missing from metabolic pathways are indicated with a red cross. The major fermentative products succinate, acetate, and formate are shown with gray arrows indicating their export out of the cell. Predicted transporters are also shown, including sodium ion channel protein transporters in purple, ABC transporters in red, sec-dependent protein export in green, and other substrates in blue. Export or import of solutes is shown through the direction of the arrow through the transporter. Energy coupling mechanisms are also shown, including solutes transported by channel proteins; secondary transporters with two arrows into the cell indicating the solute and coupling ion; ATP-driven transporters with an ATP hydrolysis reaction; and transporters with an unknown energy-coupling mechanism, shown with a single arrow. Some multi-step pathways are not fully-represented, and are denoted with orange arrowheads. Abbreviations: AA, amino acids; Ala, alanine; Met, methionine; Pro, proline; PRPP, 5′-phospho-α-D-ribose 1-diphosphate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; Meso 2,6 DAP, meso-2,6- diaminopimelic acid.