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. 2011 Mar 8;2:9. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2011.00009

Table 1.

Selected summary of thrombolytic and endovascular ischemic stroke trials.

Modality NIHSS base line Recanalization rate SICH risk (%) mRS ≤ 2 at 1 or 3 months (%) Mortality 1–3 months (%) Advantages Disadvantages
*NINDS IV rt-PA 14 30–50% 6.4 40 (mRS ≤ 1) 17 (3 months) Widely accessible Narrow time window. Strict eligibility criteria.
*PROACT II IV heparin, 6 h MCA 17 18% TIMI 2 or 3 2 25 27 (3 months) n/a n/a
*PROACT II IA pro-urokinase, 9 mg over 2 h 17 66% TIMI 2 or 3 10 40 25 (3 months) High recanalization rate Not available
*MELT IA UK, 6 h MCA, n = 57 14 74% (mechanical disruption in 39/57 patients) 9 49 5.3 High recanalization rate Urokinase not available
*MELT control n = 57 14 n/a 2 39 3.5 n/a n/a
Posterior circulation ischemic stroke, IA UK, n = 8 23 Available in seven patients. Complete recanalization in two patients; partial recanalization in five n/a 50 50 (1 month) High recanalization rate Urokinase not available
Posterior circulation stroke Control, n = 8 18 n/a n/a 25 50 (1 month) n/a n/a
MERCI n = 141 20 60% (48% device alone) 8 28 44 (3 months) Good for carotid T occlusions Need to recath if pass(es) unsuccessful. Steep learning curve in using device.
Multi MERCI n = 164 19 68% (55% device alone) 10 36 34 As above As above
Penumbra Pivotal n = 125 17 82% 11 25 33 (1 month) Fast, high recanalization rates
POST n = 157 16 87% (TIMI 2 and III) 6.4 41 20 As above As above
Angioplasty several studies Variable 91% 0–3 74 Good for stroke related to ICAD. Fast, high recanalization rates. Inexpensive. Re-occlusion, risk of vessel rupture.
Extracranial stenting n = 25 14 92% 10 52 12 Good for carotid occlusions; ability to treat tandem lesions Dislodgment of thrombus as occlusion is crossed
Stent (SARI), n = 20 14 TIMI 3 60% 5 45 (mRS ≤ 1) 25 (1 month) Good for stroke related to ICAD. Potentially quick deployment. Obligate adjuvant antiplatelet treatment. Foreign body left behind. TIMI 2 40%

*Randomized controlled trial.