Table 3.
Country (abbreviation) | Cumulative use of asbestos (tons), 1920–1970 | Predicted 15-year cumulative mortality (cases) | 95% CI | |
1 | Russia (RUS) | 8,443,923 | 21,308 | 15,026–30,218 |
2 | Kazakhstan (KAZ) | 2,301,286 | 6,500 | 5,006–8,440 |
3 | China (CHN) | 1,767,086 | 5,107 | 3,976–6,558 |
4 | India (IND) | 688,015 | 2,158 | 1,700–2,739 |
5 | Thailand (THA) | 152,378 | 545 | 400–741 |
6 | Zimbabwe (ZWE) | 122,595 | 447 | 323–617 |
7 | Algeria (DZA) | 90,005 | 337 | 238–477 |
8 | Swaziland (SWZ) | 87,868 | 329 | 232–468 |
9 | Iran (IRN) | 68,437 | 262 | 181–380 |
10 | Turkey (TUR) | 60,345 | 234 | 159–343 |
11 | Morocco (MAR) | 55,697 | 217 | 147–321 |
12 | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MKD) | 48,829 | 193 | 129–288 |
13 | Lebanon (LBN) | 47,718 | 189 | 126–283 |
14 | Nigeria (NGA) | 34,443 | 140 | 91–216 |
15 | Peru (PER)a | 32,645 | 133 | 86–207 |
16 | Indonesia (IDN) | 29,920 | 123 | 79–193 |
17 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) | 22,579 | 95 | 59–153 |
18 | Uganda (UGA) | 18,139 | 78 | 47–128 |
19 | Iraq (IRQ) | 16,202 | 70 | 42–117 |
20 | Zambia (ZMB) | 15,607 | 68 | 41–113 |
21 | Mozambique (MOZ) | 14,566 | 64 | 38–107 |
22 | Angola (AGO) | 14,378 | 63 | 37–106 |
23 | Jamaica (JAM) | 10,698 | 48 | 28–83 |
24 | Myanmar (MMR) | 10,632 | 48 | 28–83 |
25 | Tunisia (TUN) | 9,724 | 44 | 25–77 |
26 | Bolivia (BOL) | 8,959 | 41 | 23–72 |
27 | El Salvador (SLV)a | 6,545 | 31 | 17–56 |
28 | Kenya (KEN) | 3,153 | 16 | 8–31 |
29 | Botswana (BWA) | 1,163 | 6 | 3–14 |
30 | Senegal (SEN) | 799 | 5 | 2–10 |
31 | Libya (LBY) | 540 | 3 | 1–7 |
32 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) | 387 | 2 | 1–6 |
33 | Madagascar (MDG)b | 16 | NA | NA |
Total | 14,185,272 | 38,900 | 36,700–41,100 |
NA, not applicable.
Treated as lacking data on mesothelioma frequency because only 2 years of data were available in the WHO mortality database and no other information could be identified (see “Materials and Methods”).
Out of range of the regression model.