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. 2011 May 30;187(3-2):354–362. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2010.12.029

Table 1.

Clinical and neuropsychological characteristics at baseline in CBTp + SC and SC control groups.

CBTp + SC (n = 25)
SC control (n = 18)
F or Z Statistic df p
N Mean S.D. N Mean S.D.
Gender (number of males/females) 25 17/8 18 15/3
Age 25 36.08 8.02 18 39.72 10.49 F 1.688 1,41 0.204
Years in education 25 14.04 2.91 18 13.28 1.93 Z 0.696 1,41 0.487
Duration of illness 25 11.73 7.89 18 14.50 12.10 Z 0.444 1,41 0.657
Age of onset 25 24.36 8.01 18 25.22 8.24 F 0.188 1,41 0.733
Medication dosage— CPZ equivalent 25 526.15 385.78 18 459.65 336.47 F 0.345 1,41 0.560
PANSS symptoms at baseline
 Positive 25 17.96 4.74 18 18.33 3.45 F 0.081 1,41 0.778
 Negative 25 17.84 4.36 18 19.05 3.89 F 0.888 1,41 0.352
 General psychopathology 25 32.72 7.21 18 35.50 4.19 F 2.146 1,41 0.151
 Total 25 68.52 13.53 18 72.89 9.01 F 1.417 1,41 0.241
BDI 24 15.75 8.29 18 16.44 10.18 F 0.059 1,40 0.809
BAI 25 14.16 10.81 18 20.06 12.20 F 2.795 1,41 0.102
Rosenberg self-esteem 25 23.88 6.24 17 23.18 5.68 F 0.138 1,40 0.712
BCI self-reflectiveness 25 16.28 5.81 18 13.44 5.40 F 2.643 1,41 0.112
BCI self-certainty 25 5.84 3.58 18 8.44 3.60 F 5.514 1,41 0.024
BCI composite 25 10.44 7.17 18 5.00 7.04 F 6.122 1,41 0.018
SAI total 24 13.18 5.88 17 10.61 5.24 F 4.767 1,39 0.035
Birchwood insight total 25 9.68 2.14 18 5.17 2.12 Z 1.796 1,41 0.072
COPE total 21 73.86 28.15 16 82.87 29.75 F 0.888 1,35 0.353
Neuropsychological domain
General intelligence 25 41.13 12.31 18 32.75 14.88 F 4.074 1,41 0.050
Executive function 25 38.63 19.60 18 31.45 10.86 F 1.968 1,41 0.168
Working memory 25 42.21 12.55 18 39.49 8.19 Z 0.496 1,41 0.620
Immediate verbal learning and memory 25 36.12 9.18 18 35.98 8.78 F 0.003 1,41 0.959
Attention 25 42.54 8.48 18 37.91 6.75 F 3.681 1,41 0.062
Verbal skills 25 44.01 8.64 18 37.40 5.75 Z 2.511 1,41 0.012
Cognitive inhibition 25 46.03 11.99 18 42.04 13.95 F 1.014 1,41 0.320
Emotional decision-making 25 45.82 13.08 18 44.11 8.73 Z < 0.001 1,41 1.000

Values in bold: significant difference between patient groups at p ≤ 0.05; Mann–Whitney U test (Z statistic) performed for variables with significant variance heterogeneity between groups.