Fig. 3.
Performance on a reference memory version of the Morris water maze by castrated male rats injected daily for fifteen days with sesame oil (Control) or various doses of testosterone propionate beginning on the seven days before the first day of maze testing. During six days of acquisition trials, all groups showed a significant decrease in both (A) escape latency and (B) path length (P < 0.0005). For path length, but not escape latency, there was a significant day × treatment interaction (P < 0.05), and within day analyses revealed significant treatment effects for days 2 and 5 (*P < 0.05). (C) During probe trials, all treatment groups spent more time swimming in the target quadrant than would be expected by a random swim path (represented by dashed line), but there were no significant differences between groups. All data are shown as means ± SEM (N = 11-12/group).