Fig. 4.
Performance during four reversal-learning trials in the Morris water maze by castrated male rats injected daily for fifteen days with sesame oil (Control) or various doses of testosterone propionate beginning on the seven days before the first day of maze testing. Reversal-learning trials were conducted on a single day after six days of acquisition trials and one day of probe trials. The platform was located in the quadrant opposite of that used for acquisition trials. All groups showed a significant decrease in (A) escape latency, (B) path length, and (C) time spent in the old target quadrant (P < 0.0005). Averaging the data across trials (D) revealed that the 0.250 mg T group spent significantly more time in the old target quadrant than did most of the other groups (letters indicate groups that differ from each other, P < 0.05). All data are shown as means ± SEM (N = 11-12/group).