Emx2-Pbx1 dimerization motifs within 200 Kb of pelvic genes
Gene | Chr. | Motif Start | Motif End | Strand | To TSS (bp) |
MGI Term: TS: Description |
Alx4 | chr2 | 93642898 | 93642908 | + | +160308 | Phenotype: small pubis |
C77370 | chrX | 101551207 | 101551217 | − | −154752 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
C77370 | chrX | 101552028 | 101552038 | − | −155573 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Cd59a | chr2 | 103962170 | 103962180 | − | +26161 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Cdkn3 | chr14 | 47220880 | 47220890 | + | −159363 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Chrdl1 | chrX | 139677009 | 139677019 | − | +151708 | Expression: TS21: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Chrdl1 | chrX | 139837753 | 139837763 | − | −9027 | Expression: TS21: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Chst8 | chr7 | 35475321 | 35475331 | + | +122364 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Col11a1 | chr3 | 113834894 | 113834904 | − | +101437 | Expression: TS23: vertebral muscle; pelvic girdle |
Col9a1 | chr1 | 24209022 | 24209032 | + | +24484 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Copb1 | chr7 | 121280770 | 121280780 | + | +117414 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Ctgf | chr10 | 24132107 | 24132117 | − | −183196 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Ctgf | chr10 | 24156973 | 24156983 | − | −158330 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Dpyd | chr3 | 118088581 | 118088591 | + | −176505 | Expression: TS23: vertebral muscle; pelvic girdle |
Ext1 | chr15 | 53028807 | 53028817 | − | +148921 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Fat3 | chr9 | 16135872 | 16135882 | − | +46793 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Fat3 | chr9 | 16268418 | 16268428 | + | −85744 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Foxi1 | chr11 | 34014004 | 34014014 | − | +94075 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Foxi1 | chr11 | 34032581 | 34032591 | − | +75498 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Foxp1 | chr6 | 98976797 | 98976807 | + | +136216 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Gli3 | chr13 | 15508916 | 15508926 | − | −46630 | Phenotype: abnormal pubis morphology |
Gli3 | chr13 | 15708609 | 15708619 | − | +153054 | Phenotype: abnormal pubis morphology |
Hhip | chr8 | 82763655 | 82763665 | + | −181764 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Hmga2 | chr10 | 119881607 | 119881617 | + | +32374 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Hpse | chr5 | 101180712 | 101180722 | − | −32011 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Irx5 | chr8 | 94916857 | 94916867 | − | +35163 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Itpr3 | chr17 | 27275740 | 27275750 | + | +81260 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Kcnd2 | chr6 | 21194367 | 21194377 | + | +28259 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Lmx1b | chr2 | 33653044 | 33653054 | − | −157014 | Phenotype: abnormal ilium morphology |
Magi1 | chr6 | 94286552 | 94286562 | + | −52655 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Ndufv2 | chr17 | 66388461 | 66388471 | − | +62360 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Ndufv2 | chr17 | 66392826 | 66392836 | − | +57995 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Nrf1 | chr6 | 29954775 | 29954785 | − | −43203 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Pax1 | chr2 | 147091657 | 147091667 | + | −99086 | Expression: TS21: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Pbx1 | chr1 | 170333299 | 170333309 | − | +29080 | Phenotype: abnormal pelvic girdle morphology |
Pik3c3 | chr18 | 30314187 | 30314197 | − | −118353 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Pik3c3 | chr18 | 30542253 | 30542263 | + | +109704 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Plekhb1 | chr7 | 107780622 | 107780632 | + | +30247 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Prrx1 | chr1 | 165245123 | 165245133 | − | −1343 | Phenotype: abnormal pubis morphology |
Ptch1 | chr13 | 63555761 | 63555771 | − | +111057 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Rasl11b | chr5 | 74572329 | 74572339 | + | −19012 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Rg9mtd2 | chr3 | 137794428 | 137794438 | + | −12064 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Runx2 | chr17 | 45008461 | 45008471 | + | −56886 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Satb2 | chr1 | 56955591 | 56955601 | + | +72577 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Tbx15 | chr3 | 98992619 | 98992629 | − | −65054 | Phenotype: abnormal pelvic girdle morphology |
Tbx15* | chr3 | 99052908 | 99052918 | − | −4765 | Phenotype: abnormal pelvic girdle morphology |
Tbx4 | chr11 | 85760419 | 85760429 | + | +56855 | Phenotype: abnormal pelvic girdle morphology |
Tnmd | chrX | 130290990 | 130291000 | − | −94547 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Trp63 | chr16 | 25783048 | 25783058 | + | −18970 | Phenotype: abnormal pelvic girdle morphology |
Trps1 | chr15 | 50674966 | 50674976 | − | +46611 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Unc5c | chr3 | 141241263 | 141241273 | − | +112736 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Unc5c | chr3 | 141303308 | 141303318 | − | +174781 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
Unc5cl | chr17 | 48752190 | 48752200 | − | +157943 | Expression: TS23: embryo;skeleton;pelvic girdle |
This specific motif overlaps a previously identified p300 limb element at E11.5 in mouse (Visel et al., 2009).