Fig. 2. Development of cardiac hypertrophy in Tg-CAPKN.
Baseline characterization of Tg-CAPKN mice at 3 months of age. (A) Representative immunoblots of heart homogenates with anti-PKN and anti-phospho (Thr774) PKN antibodies. Densitometric analysis was performed to determine the relative phospho-PKN level. CAPKN is N-terminally truncated and does not exist in NTg. (B) Representative pictures of WGA staining of the heart from Tg-CAPKN and NTg mice. (C) Myocyte cross sectional area was determined from WGA staining. The mean myocyte cross sectional area in NTg mice was set as 1. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01 vs NTg.