Table 3.
Prevalence of ART in patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
Reference Number | Type of study | Number of BWS cases | Prevalence of ART in BWS cohort (cases) | Prevalence of ART in reference population | Type of ART | Association between BWS and ART |
62a | Case series | 65b | 4.6% (3b) | 0.8% | IVF/ICSI | Suggestive |
63 | Case series | 149 | 4% (6c) | 1.2% | 3 IVF/3 ICSI | Suggestive |
64 | Case series | 149 | 4% (6c) | 1.3% | 4 IVF/2 ICSI | Suggestive |
65 | Case-control | 37 | 10.81%d (4) | 0.67%d | 3 IVF/1 ICSI | Suggestive |
66a | Case-series | 341 | 5.6%(19) | NA | 5 IVF/5 ICSIe | NA |
67 | Survey | 209 | 2.9% (6c) | 0.8% | 1 IVF/5 ICSI | Suggestive |
71 | Survey | 71 | 5.6% (4) | 0.92% | IVF/ICSI | Suggestive |
Data from the same BWS registry (NCI BWS registry and Washington University BWS registry)
Only BWS cohort beginning in 2001 were used to calculate prevalence
The frequency of children born after ART in BWS cohort was significantly higher than the expected ART cases based on the ART prevalence in general population
Fisher’s exact test, two-sided, P = .006
Data on type of ART obtained from 12 patients (2 patients had only ovarian stimulation with intrauterine insemination)