Effects of serotonin (10−4M) incubation on cell proliferation in Cluster 10 depends upon whether serotonin was administered to the in vivo (n=14) (A, left pair of histograms) or eyestalk-ablated in vivo (n=10) (A, right pair of histograms), or (B) in vitro (n=14), preparation. In the in vivo preparation, serotonin exposure results in decreases in neurogenesis in CL10. Serotonin increases neurogenesis in the eyestalk-ablated in vivo preparation (A) and the in vitro brains (B). Histograms represent mean BrdU-labeled cell counts ± standard deviations. Asterisks (*) indicate statistical significance for each serotonin incubated group relative to control, for Student T tests on the paired data, p = < 0.001 level. Double asterisks, p =<0.0001.