Fig. 3.
Bioenergetics and metabolic suppression in anoxia over the first two days of development. A: Basal oxygen consumption (open diamonds) measured at different developmental stages. B: The rate of lactate accumulation in anoxia per embryo (open squares). Sequential measurements of total lactate in embryos after increasing durations in anoxia were obtained and the slope of the resulting line represents the rate of lactate accumulation. This analysis was performed at different developmental stages. Each point represents the slope from one experiment. C: Change over developmental time in the percentage of ATP production from oxygen consumption that occurs in anoxia by lactate production, calculated as described in Experimental Procedures. D: The inverse of the rate of lactate accumulation (open squares) and best-fit line (dashed line, R2 = 0.96) correlates with the duration of viability in anoxia (open circles) and best-fit line (solid line, R2 = 0.96). All experiments were performed at 28.5° C. All error bars are ±SD.