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. 2011 Apr 25;6(4):e18572. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018572

Table 2. Study characteristics.

No Included studies Group, region (N. centers) Treatment period in years N. analyzed patients; subgroups indicated HSCT vs. IST N. patients other* than SAA (%); HSCT vs. IST N. patients other than first-line treatment (%); HSCT (MRD) vs. IST Median follow-up in years
1 Ahn 2003 [31] Seoul, Korea (10) 1990–2001 64 vs. 156 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
2 Arranz 1994 [32] Madrid, Spain (1) 1983–1991 21 vs. 29. Subgroup age 20–40 ys: 11 vs. 13 0 vs. 2 (7) 5 (24) vs. 1 (3)
3 Bacigalupo 1988 [33] EBMT, Europe (57) 1981–1986 218 vs. 291. Subgroup age + PMN: <20 ys + <0.2 G/L: 55 vs. 46; <20 ys + ≥0.2 G/L: 63 vs. 57; ≥20 ys + <0.2 G/L: 32 vs. 89; ≥20 ys + ≥0.2 G/L: 44 vs. 36 45 (21) vs. 92 (32) 47 (22) vs. 0 2.6 vs. 2.7
4 Bacigalupo 2000 [34] EBMT, Europe (?) 1976–1998 Subgroup year (IST = ALG) 1976–1989: 915 vs. 523; 1990–1998: 844 vs. 116. Subgroup year (IST = ALG+CSA) 1976–1989: 915 vs. 56; 1990–1998: 844 vs. 53 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
5 Bayever 1984 [35] Los Angeles, USA (1) 1977–1982 35 vs. 22 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
6 Champlin 1984 [36] Los Angeles, USA (1) unclear 61 vs. 69. Subgroup age <20: 35 vs. 21; 20–<35: 21 vs. 21; ≥35: 5 vs. 27 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 5 (7)
7 De Planque 1990 [37] Leiden, Netherlands (1) 1974–1987 19 vs. 63 0 vs. 0 8 (42) vs. 19 (30) 2.8 vs. 1.8
8 Doney 1997 [38] Seattle, USA (1) 1978–1991 168 vs. 227. Subgroup age (<6 ys: 12 vs. 25); 6–<20 ys: 63 vs. 62; 20–<40 ys: 82 vs. 73; ≥40 ys: 11 vs. 67. Subgroup PMN <0.2 G/L: 70 vs. 94; ≥0.2 G/L: 98 vs. 133 0 vs. 34 (15) 0 vs. 0
9 Fouladi 2000 [39] Toronto, Canada (1) 1987–1997 21 vs. 20 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
10 Führer 1998 [40] SAA 94, Germany (37) 1993–1997 28 vs. 86 2 (7) vs. 7 (8) 0 vs. 0 4.3 vs. 3.0
11 Führer 2005 [41] Germany (53) 1993–2001 Subgroup PMN <0.2 G/L: 40 vs. 97; <0.2–<0.5 G/L: 27 vs. 49 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
12 Ghavamzadeh 2004 [42] Tehran, Iran (1) 1990–2001 29 vs. 24 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
13 Gillio 1997 [43] New York, USA (1) 1983–1992 25 vs. 23. Subgroup year 1983–1987: not extractable; 1988–1992: not extractable 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
14 Gluckman 1979 [44] § Paris, France (1) unclear 37 vs. 28 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0 6.8 vs. 7.2
15 Halperin 1989 [45] Toronto, Canada (1) 1977–1987 14 vs. 12 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
16 Kahn 2002 [46] Kansas City, USA (1) 1977–1999 15 vs. 16 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0 6.0 vs. 2.0
17 Kim 2003 [47] Seoul, Korea (1) 1990–1999 22 vs. 74 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0 0.4 vs. 4.4
18 Kojima 2000 [48] Nagoya, Japan (2) 1984–1998 37 vs. 63 7 (19) vs. 14 (22) 0 vs. 0
19 Lawlor 1997 [49] Vancouver, Canada (1) 1982–1994 9 vs. 18 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0 3.0 vs. 2.7
20 Locasciulli 1990 [50] EBMT, Europe (29) 1970–1988 171 vs. 133 0 vs. 0 23 (13) vs. 0
21 Locasciulli 2007 [51] EBMT, Europe (257) 1991–2002 1567 vs. 912. Subgroup year (HSCT among patients with MSD) 1991–1996: 614 vs. 608; 1997–2002: 550 vs. 304. Subgroup age (IST among patients with PMN ≥0.2 G/L (vs. PMN <0.2 G/L)); <16 ys: 607 vs. 129 (vs. 175); ≥16 ys: 960 vs. 442 (vs. 141) 1183 (75) vs. 368 (40) 197 (13) vs. 0 4.6 vs. 4.7
22 Paquette 1995 [52] Los Angeles, USA (1) 1977–1989 Subgroup year 1977–1983: 37 vs. 40; 1984–1989: 18 vs. 16 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 3 (5) 2.4 vs. 4.5
23 Pitcher 1999 [53] London, UK (1) 1973–1996 Subgroup year 1973–1988: unclear; 1989–1996: unclear unclear unclear
24 Tzeng 1989 [54] Taipei, ROC (1) 1985–1988 9 vs. 7 0 vs. 0 0 vs. 0
25 Viollier 2005 [55] ** Basel, Switzerland (1) 1976–1999 52 vs. 155 14 (27) vs. 50 (32) 0 vs. 0 2.0 vs. 0.5
26 Werner 1989 [56] †† Cincinnati, USA (2) 1981–1986 6 vs. 9 0 vs. 2 (22) 0 vs. 0 11.5 vs. 11.3

*other than SAA: MAA or not reported degree of severity.

other than first-line MRD: second-line HSCT, first-line mismatched related HSCT, first-line- unrelated HSCT.

Fouladi 2000: 5 patients in the IST group received second-line HLA-matched unrelated donor transplantation after failed IST.


Gluckman 1979: 5 patients of the IST group received second-line HLA-identical sibling donor transplantation after failed IST; 2 patients with Fanconi anemia and 2 patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinemia were included.

Kojima 2000: 11 patients in the IST group received second-line unrelated donor transplantation after failed IST.

Pitcher 1999: outcome from 1973–1988 has been reported by Webb 1991 [69]; number of patients other than SAA estimated.

**Viollier 2005: Follow-up of Nissen 1999 [70], Speck 1994 [71], Tichelli 1988 [72], Speck 1986 [73], Speck 1984 [74], Speck 1983 [75], Speck 1981 [76], Speck 1980 [77], Speck 1977 [78]; 8 patients of the IST group received HSCT.


Werner 1989: 1 patient in the IST group received second-line haploidentical transplantation after failed IST.

Abbreviations: HLA: human leukocyte antigen; IST immunosuppressive therapy; PMN: polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes; ROC: Republic of China; UK: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland; USA: United States of America.