Panels A: Real-time PCR shows significant increase of hepatic adhesion molecule ICAM-1 mRNA level at 2 hours of reperfusion (IR 2h), which was further attenuated at 6 and 24 hours of reperfusion (I/R 6h and 24h). Pretreatment with CBD at 10 mg/kg significantly attenuates the I/R-induced increased hepatic ICAM-1 expression at all time points of the reperfusion studied (2, 6 and 24 hours).
Panels B: Real-time PCR shows significant increase of hepatic pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α mRNA level at 2 h of reperfusion (IR 2h), and a gradual decrease with time. Pretreatment with CBD at 10 mg/kg attenuates the I/R-induced increased hepatic TNF-α mRNA level at all time points of reperfusion studied (2, 6 and 24 hours).
Results are mean±SEM of 6–12 mice/groups. *P<0.05 vs. vehicle-sham group; #P<0.05 vs. corresponding vehicle-I/R mice.