Fig. 7.
Activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) in aortas after the treatments with Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo), Agaricus blazei (Agarics) or Smallanthus sonchifolius (Yacon). The values were measured by western blotting in the vascular homogenates 8 weeks after the treatments. (a) shows a typical western blot analysis of vascular homogenates, using p38 MAP kinase antibody (upper) and phopho-p38 MAP kinase antibody (Thr180/Thr182) (lower). P38 expression (b) and its phosphorylation (c) were significantly increased in diabetic rats. Treatment with Caiapo significantly suppressed p38 MAP kinase activation in aorta. Data are expressed as the relative ratio to normal control, which were assigned as value of 1. Values are mean ± SEM (n = 5). #p<0.05 vs normal control, *p<0.05 vs untreated diabetic control. NC; normal control, D + None; untreated diabetic control, D + Caiapo; Ipomoea batatas-treated diabetic group, D + Agarics; Agaricus blazei-treated diabetic group, D + Yacon; Smallanthus sonchifolius-treated diabetic group.