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. 2011 Apr 21;26(5):612–618. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2011.26.5.612

Table 3.

Risk factors for fatal outcomes associated with P. aeruginosa bacteremia

graphic file with name jkms-26-612-i003.jpg

*Variables with P < 0.05 on univariate analysis were included in the multivariable analysis; A serum creatinine level of > 2.0 mg/dL or a requirement for dialysis (Reference No. 19); A serum bilirubin concentration of > 2.5 mg/dL, increased aspartate aminotransferase level or alanine aminotransferase level more than twice the normal level (Reference No. 19); §Change in consciousness level (Reference No. 19); A partial arterial O2 pressure of < 60 mmHg, a partial arterial CO2 pressure of > 50 mmHg, or a need for ventilator assistance (Reference No. 19).