Figure 4. CD11blow macrophages secret lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to various TLR ligands.
Sorted CD11bhigh and CD11blow macrophages were activated with poly (I:C) (4 µg/ml; A–B), or CpG-ODN (1 µM; C–D) and evaluated for secreted TNFα (A,C), IL-1β (B,D) using standard ELISA. Results are mean ± SE of four replicates from a representative of three experiments. Significant differences by Student's t test between CD11bhigh and CD11blow macrophages or between macrophages stimulated with vehicle, poly (I:C), or CpG-ODN (* P value< 0.05, ** P value< 0.005, *** P value< 0.001) are indicated.