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. 2011 Mar;6(3):613–619. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01160210

Table 4.

Adjusted OR for readmission to ICU associated with ESRD status in an elderly cohort of patients who survived their first ICU admission

Adjustment Model OR for Readmission Associated with ESRD Status [95% CI] Model P Value Model AUROC
Within 72 hours
    model 1 (case mix) 2.10 [1.20, 3.67] 0.009 0.58
    model 2 (illness severity) 2.63 [1.30, 5.32] 0.007 0.62
    model 3 (case mix and illness severity) 2.38 [1.16, 4.89] 0.02 0.65
Within index hospitalization
    model 1 (case mix) 2.72 [1.89, 3.90] <0.0001 0.57
    model 2 (illness severity) 2.12 [1.36, 3.29] 0.0009 0.64
    model 3 (case mix and illness severity) 1.90 [1.21, 2.98] 0.005 0.65

Model 1 is adjusted for age, gender, location (community versus tertiary hospital), diabetes, cardiovascular disease (presence of coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure), peripheral vascular disease, and stroke. Model 2 is adjusted for APACHE II, sepsis (present or absent), mechanical ventilation (present or absent), surgical status (surgical or nonsurgical), number of failed organs (≤2 versus ≥3), temperature (<36.5, 36.5 to 38.5, >38.5°C), heart rate (<60, 60 to 100, >100 bpm), mean arterial pressure (mmHg), respiratory rate, hematocrit (< or >0.3), white blood cell count (cells/mm3), serum sodium and potassium (mmol/L), serum creatinine (μmol/L), and Glasgow coma scale (<7, 7 > 12, >7). Model 3 is adjusted for all covariates in model 1 and 2.