(A) Reduced Sirt1 activity was observed in the rat liver, heart, kidney
and lung after 12 months of age using a flourometry. All values are
means ± S.E from tissue obtained from eight different rats for
each age group. Significance *p<0.01 compared to 3
month old rats. (B) Western blotting for Sirt1 in (i) liver, (ii) heart,
(iii) kidney, and (iv) lung with aging using anti-Sirt1 antibody. The
blots shown are representative tracings of an experiment done eight
times. Graphs are mean ± S.E brains from tissue obtained from
eight different rats for each age group. Each bar of the quantification
graph represents the corresponding band for each age group. Significance
*p<0.01 compared to 3 month old rats. (C)
Immunodetection for Sirt1 in the liver, heart, kidney and lung from 3
month, 12 month and 24 month old rats. Sirt1 (red) and DAPI (blue).
Higher immunoreactivity for Sirt1 was observed in 12 and 24 month old
rats compared to 3-month old rats.