Her8a morpholino injection downregulates the expression of the glial precursor marker slc1a3a (A, B) and radial glial markers (gfap for radial glial cell body (D, E) and zrf-1 for glial fibers (G, H)), and this effect was rescued by co-injection with her8a mRNA (C, F, I). (A, D, G) Control morpholino, (B, E, H) 8 ng of MO2, (C, F, I) Co-injection of 8 ng of MO2 with 0.5 ng her8a mRNA. Embryos were harvested at the 18-somite stage (A–C) and 36 hpf (D–I). (A–F) in situ hybridization; (G–I) immunohistochemistry with zrf-1 antibody, fluorescent signals were inverted to negative film for a better presentation. (J) qPCR analysis showing the levels of slc1a3a and zash1 and zrf-1 are significantly decreased in embryos injected with her8a morpholino. * p<0.05.