Fig. 5.
Kinetics for the separated l o and l d phases after addition of 1 mM MβCD. a Changes in GP value (open circles) and volume (closed squares) for the separated l d phase (DOPC/DPPC/FC, 60:18:22 mol%). Comparison of GUV images at t = 0 and t = 100 min shows the decrease in size at the end of kinetics (dotted circular white line around the GUV on the image at t = 100, plot (a). b GUV of the l d mixture without Chol (DOPC/DPPC/FC 77:23:0 mol%) with the corresponding average GP value for the homogeneous phase calculated from five independent GUVs. c Changes in GP value (closed circles) and volume (closed squares) for the separated l o phase (DOPC/DPPC/FC, 5:53:42 mol%). Images of the GUV at t = 0 and t = 100 min show no changes in size during the kinetics. d Center and top views of a GUV of the l o mixture without Chol (DOPC/DPPC/FC 9:91:0 mol%) showing phase separation. GP values for the different phases (green and orange) are given as an average of four GUVs. The same color scale was used for all images. Temperature 25°C (Color figure online)