Overexpression of exon 1b or 1c in cerebral arteries. A, confocal images of mock treated arteries (control) or arteries in which vectors expressing e1b-EGFP or e1c-EGFP were inserted illustrating EGFP fluorescence in smooth muscle cells. EGFP, Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) and merged images are shown. The scale bar represents 50 μm. B, representative Western blots showing detection of EGFP in e1b-EGFP- and e1c-EGFP-treated but not in mock treated (control) cerebral artery lysates. The Western blots also indicate that e1b-EGFP and e1c-EGFP expression does not alter CaV1.2 channel expression. The blots are representative of four experiments.