NMR distance and dihedral restraints |
Number of distance restraints |
Total NOE |
661 |
Intra-residue |
0 |
Inter-residue |
661 |
Sequential (|i–j| = 1) |
265 |
Medium-range (|i–j| ≤ 4) |
139 |
Long-range (|i–j| > 4) |
257 |
Hydrogen bonds |
82 |
Number of dihedral angle restraints (Talos+ [16]): Total |
198 |
ϕ |
99 |
ψ |
99 |
Structure statistics |
Violations |
No. distance restraints (>0.5 Å) |
0 |
No. dihedral angle restraints (>5°) |
0 |
Max. dihedral angle violation (°) |
4.8 |
Max. distance restraint violation (Å) |
0.36 |
Deviations from idealized geometry |
Bond lengths (Å) |
0.007 |
Bond angles (°) |
0.7 |
Average pairwise RMSD among 20 refined structures (Å) (L5-S10,Y68-E143) |
Heavy |
1.4 |
Backbone |
0.8 |
Ramachandran Plot Analysis from Procheck (L5-S10,Y68-E143) |
Most favored region |
90.1% |
Additionally allowed |
9.9% |
MolProbity Clashscore (Raw score/Z-score) |
Raw score |
26.90 |
Z-score |
−3.09 |