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. 2011 Mar 8;286(17):15565–15576. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.193102


Genes differentially expressed in the mutants

Genes differentially expressed in the Δgrx2, Δprx1 and Δgrx2prx1 mutants relative to WT, classified by the mutant where they show expression changes and by cellular processes they are involved in. An underlined name indicates that the gene also changes in the double mutant. Genes in the last two columns are those that show changes only in the double mutant.

Process Δgrx2-specific genes
Δprx1-specific genes
Δgrx2prx1-specific genes
Up Down Up Down Up Down
Biosynthesis BTN2, GAD1, TPK1 ALD5, ARG1, BAT1, GDH1, ILV3, ILV5, INO2, LEU1, LEU4, MET13, OAC1, PUT1, SNZ1, YEH1 CAR2, GCV2, LPP1 BAR1, BAT1, BNA1, GDH1, INO2, LEU1, LEU4, MET13, OAC1, PUT1, RIB4 MUP3 MET6
Transcription NOP1, RTC3 CIN5, NRG1 ASG1, DED1, MNP1, MRM1, NOP1, PHO89, SOH1, TRM11, TUF1, VTS1 CIN5, DAN1, GAT2, NRG1, RPL41A, SRB2 PHD1
Iron regulon FRE7 FIT3,aFRE4,bICT1, IZH1 ARN1, ARN2, CCC2, COT1, FET3, FET4, FET5, FIT1, FIT2, FIT3, FRE1, FTR1 FRE4,bISU1
Energy Metabolism ATP2, GLK1, HXK1, HXT4, NDI1, PNC1, UGP1 MAE1, MIG2, NCE103 ACO1, ACO2, ATP12, CIT2, DLD3, GLK1, GSP2, HXK1, HXT4, IDH2, SIT1, TIS11 NCE103
Cell wall GLC3, GSY1, GSY2, PGM2, SOL4, SPI1, TPS1, TPS2, TSL1, YGP1 DAN3, MUM3, TIR 4 AMS1, DAN1, DSE1, DSE4, GLC3, GSC2, ROX1, TIR1, TIR4 AGA2, GAS2 CBF2
Transport COX5B, GYP7, TPO4 AGP1, GAP1, YLR348C AUS1, EGT2, PDR5, VID24 AGP1, PDR12, STE6, TPO2, TPO3, TPO4, WSC4 PIC2, SEO1
Degradation/Proteases LAP4, PBI2, SNF8 ATG3, LAP4 CLB1
Other CMK2, FMP48, IRC9, ISF1, MSC1, PYK2, OPI10, STF2, YAK1, YBR056W, YER067W, YKR093W, YJL44W, YLR345W, YPC1, YPL014W PAU1, PAU5, YBR012C, YCL021W, YCLX10C, YER074W, YGR035C, YIR042C, YKR075C, YLR348C, YLR349W, YNL024C, YOR225W, YPR157W MATAα1, MAM33, MF(a)2, PYK2, SAG1, SDS23, SRP40, SSC1, STE3, YDL124W, YDL241W, YER067W, YER074W, YFR006W, YGR079W, YKL177W, YKR093W, YLR041W, YMR317W MFA2, STE2, YBL029W, YCL021W, YCLX10C, YCR097WB, YCR102C, YGL041C, YIR035C, YLR132C, YLR257W, YNL024C, YPR157W, YRO2 EMI2, RCN2, YLR194C

a FIT3 is down-regulated in Δgrx2 and up-regulated in Δprx1 and Δgrx2prx1.

b FRE4 is down-regulated in all strains.