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. 2011 Jan 18;215(2):333–344. doi: 10.1007/s00213-010-2145-8

Table 4.

Brain regions and local maxima where BOLD activation is related to behavioral performance

Region (Harvard-Oxford, maximum probability) MNI *coordinates of local maxima (X, Y, Z) Max. Z score Region (Harvard-Oxford, maximum probability) MNI coordinates of local maxima (X, Y, Z) Max. Z value
Mean reaction time Reaction Time SD
Middle frontal gyrus (R) 30 16 32 3.92 Middle frontal gyrus (R) 30 16 32 3.86
Planum temporale (L) 40 −38 14 3.90 Frontal orbital cortex (L) 32 20 −24 3.87
Frontal orbital cortex (R) 32 20 −24 3.85 Inferior temporal gyrus −44 −52 −16 3.83
Superior parietal lobule (R) 44 −38 58 3.80 Lateral occipital cortex (L) −24 −62 64 3.83
Lateral occipital cortex (L) −24 −62 50 3.76 Planum temporale (R) 40 −38 14 3.79
Post-central gyrus (R) −50 −36 60 3.71 Pre-central gyrus (L) −62 10 32 3.73
Pre-central gyrus (R) −60 10 32 3.70 Post-central gyrus (R) −48 −40 58 3.68
Anterior cingulate cortex (L) −6 −6 38 3.10 Anterior cingulate cortex (L) −6 −6 40 2.91

Whole-brain voxelwise analysis (N = 39, smokers and non-smokers, cluster-corrected at Z = 2.3, p = 0.05)