Blockade of either mGluR1 or mGluR5 prevents anti-Hebbian LTP induction. A, Baseline-normalized EPSP slope, showing the effect of pairing presynaptic high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of one pathway (filled symbols) with postsynaptic hyperpolarization (open arrow). Open symbols, Control pathway. Error bars show SEM. Top, Schematic showing the arrangement of stimulating and recording electrodes and the LTP induction protocol. Inset, Representative sample traces from a single neuron before (black) and after (red) pairing in the two pathways. B, LTP protocol repeated during perfusion of the selective mGluR1 blocker LY 367385 (100 μm). C, LTP protocol repeated during perfusion of the mGluR5 blocker MPEP (25 μm).