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. 2011 Feb 28;29(10):1290–1296. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.30.6985

Table 1.

Domains and Measures Captured by Geriatric Assessment Tool

Domain With Measure No. of Items Description
Functional status
    MOS physical health20 10 Measures limitations in a wide range of physical functions (from bathing/dressing to vigorous activities such as running)
    Instrumental Activities of Daily Living [subscale of the OARS]21 7 Measures ability to complete activities required to maintain independence in the community (ie, meal preparation, shopping, making telephone calls, money management)
    Karnofsky performance status (rated by the health care professional)22* 1 Global indicator of patient function determined by the health care professional on a scale of 0 to 100
    Karnofsky self-reported performance rating scale23 1 Global indicator of patient function determined by patient self-report ranging from normal to severely disabled on a scale of 40 to 100
    No. of falls in last 6 months 1 No. of times patient has fallen in last 6 months
    Timed Up and Go24* 1 Performance-based measure of functional status: amount of time it takes for seated patient to rise from a chair, walk 10 feet, walk back, and sit down
    MOS social activities20 4 Measures ability to participate in social activities and degree to which health status limits normal social activities
Comorbid medical conditions
    Physical health section (subscale of the OARS)21 15 List of comorbid illnesses and the degree to which they impair daily activities; patient can add additional comorbid illnesses not listed; rating of eyesight and hearing
Psychological state
    Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale25 14 Measures of anxiety and depression
Social support
    MOS social support survey: emotional/ information and tangible subscales26 12 Perceived availability of social support
Nutritional status
    Body mass index27 1 Weight/height2
    Percent unintentional weight loss in past 6 months28,29 1 Unintentional weight loss in last 6 months/baseline body weight × 100
    Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration test30,31* 6 Gross measure of cognitive function
    Comprehensive list of medications 1 List of medications including prescribed, herbal, and over-the-counter medications

Abbreviations: MOS, Medical Outcomes Study; OARS, Older American Resources and Services.


Items completed by the healthcare professional (Karnofsky performance status, Timed Up and Go, and Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration test).