Figure 2. Nitrate and ammonium uptake with increasing N supply.
Dry biomass (A) and total plant N content (B) for shoots and roots of sugarcane plants used for 15N labelling experiment with increasing N supply rates. Nitrogen treatments correspond to low (0.4 mM), intermediate (1 mM) and high (10 mM) N supply. Bars represent mean±standard error (n = 20). Data from three commercial sugarcane varieties were pooled. Uptake of 15N into shoots (C, E, G) and roots (D, F, H) of plants grown at low (0.4 mM N) (C, D), intermediate (1 mM N) (E, F) and high (10 mM N) (G, H) N supply. 15N was supplied to plants as either 15NH4NO3 (○) or NH4 15NO3 (▪) at concentrations from 0.2 to 3.2 mM 15N for 24 h. Data represent mean±standard error (n = 3). * indicate significance difference between NH4 and NO3 uptake at P<0.05 (ANOVA on ln transformed data, Tukey's post hoc test).