Table 6. Reaction times (mean ± standard deviation, measurement unit: ms) corresponding to congruent (CT), low conflict (LT) and high conflict trials (HT) as well as reaction time differences (mean ± standard deviation, measurement unit: ms) among trials obtained within each task (PI = prosody identification, SI = semantics identification, VI = vowel identification).
PI | SI | VI | OVERALL | |
CT | 2335±555 | 2509±655 | 2419±500 | 2421± 417 |
HT | 2624±636 | 2812±810 | 2581±442 | 2672± 495 |
LT | 2448±587 | 2728±700 | 2317±462 | 2497± 463 |
CT-HT | −288±228 | −303±277 | −162±153 | |
CT-LT | −112±194 | −218±252 | 103±148 | |
LT-HT | −175±241 | −85±443 | −265±130 |
Note: Slight discrepancies between (CT-HT)/(CT-LT)/(LT-HT) subtraction values and mean difference values reported in this table are due to rounding.