Increasing adult hippocampal neurogenesis is sufficient to improve discrimination between similar contexts. a, Experimental design to test rapid one trial contextual encoding. b, On day 1, both groups show negligible levels of freezing in context A prior to a single 2 second 0.75mA foot-shock delivery. Controls (NCff+Veh)(n=14) and mice with more adult-born neurons (NCff+TAM)(n=14) showed comparable levels of conditioning to the training context A and negligible levels of freezing in a distinct context C. TAM treatment on its own does not affect contextual encoding as reflected in similar levels of freezing of ff+Veh (n=15) and ff+TAM (n=16) mice in contexts A and C. c, Experimental paradigm to test discrimination between two similar contexts A and B. d, Analysis of discrimination ratios. NCff+TAM mice show significantly higher levels of discrimination between the two contexts than NCff+Veh mice. e, Freezing behaviour of mice with increased adult hippocampal neurogenesis and controls over duration of experiment. Although both groups show comparable and extensive generalization between the two contexts at the beginning of the experiment, NCff+TAM mice (n=11) distinguished between context A and B more rapidly than NCff+Veh mice (n=9). f, NCff+Veh mice are able to discriminate between the two contexts by day 9 of testing. *P<0.05, **P<0.01. Results are mean ± SEM.