FIG. 4.
Recovered speech-envelope cues were present in neural responses to a one-band speech fine-structure (FS) chimaera. Spike trains were recorded from a single chinchilla AN fiber responding to the original speech token (stimulus A, “A boy fell from the window”) and to the corresponding chimaera (stimulus B) that had the fine structure of the original speech and the envelope of a spectrally matched noise. A–I same format as in Figure 1. Recovery of speech-envelope cues was demonstrated by a large envelope correlation (ρENV = 0.57) between the responses to the original speech and to the speech fine-structure chimaera. AN fiber CF = 490 Hz; threshold = 45 dB SPL; Q10 = 1.8; spontaneous rate = 0.8 spikes/s. Overall speech sound level was 67 dB SPL.