Fig. 5.
Mean classification accuracy results obtained using basis functions modelled on the empirically derived event related time courses shown in Fig. 4. In A1, this approach produced an increase in mean accuracy of 4.72% in the standard resolution GE data, 4.75% in the high resolution GE data, 2.67% in the standard resolution SE data, and 0.49% in the high resolution SE data. The corresponding figures in M1 were 2.61% (standard GE), 0.3% (high GE), and 1.52% (standard SE). In V1, there were increases in the GE data (standard resolution = 1.36%, high resolution = 2.62%), but slight decreases in the SE data (standard resolution = −0.34%, high resolution = −0.35%). * = 1 sample t-test against chance (50%), p < 0.05, +p = 0.054. Error bars represent 1 standard error of the mean (calculated across participants).