Figure 1. Skeletal muscle ERRγ expression.
(A) ERRγ gene (lower panel) and/or protein (upper panel) expression in quadriceps (QUADS), white gastrocnemius (WG), red gastrocnemius (RG) and soleus (SOL) isolated from C57Bl/6J mice (N=4). (B) Representative images of β-galactosidase stained muscles. (C) Expression of transgene transcript (lower panel) and protein (upper panel) in quadriceps of wild type (WT), founder TG 425 and 421. (D) Representative hindlimbs from WT and transgenic mice. (E) Dissected hindlimb muscle beds [adductor (ADDT), quadriceps, gastrocnemius (GASTROC) and soleus]. In (A) and (C) data are presented as mean ± SD (N=4). See Supplemental Figure S1.