ChR1 photoreceptor localization pattern is altered in eyeless mutants. Combined immunofluorescence micrographs stained with antibodies against ChR1 (magenta) and acetylated α-tubulin (AcTub) (green). (A) A wild-type Chlamydomonas cell showing a single discrete patch of ChR1 near the end of the acetylated track of the D4 microtubule rootlet. (B) An eye2 cell showing ChR1 staining in multiple patches along the rootlet. (C) Photoreceptor localization in an individual cell of the eyeless mutant eye3–1. ChR1 is observed in multiple patches along the rootlet. (D) An eye3 cell showing ChR1 in a stripe associated with the rootlet (arrow). Discrete ChR1 patches not associated with the rootlet are also observed (arrowheads). Bars, 5 μm.