Locus | Refs. | Previous population |
2q24.1-31.1 | Posthuma et al. [2005] | Study = 1, population = 1 and 2, N = 950 |
Luciano et al. [2006] | Study = 1, population = 1 and 2, N = 836 | |
2q31.3 | Butcher et al. [2008] | Study = 1, population = 3, N = 3,195 |
6p25-21.2 | Posthuma et al. [2005] | Study = 1, population = 1 and 2, N = 950 |
Luciano et al. [2006] | Study = 1, population = 1 and 2, N = 836 | |
7q32.1 | Butcher et al. [2008] | Study = 1, population = 3, N = 3,195 |
14q11.2-12 | Buyske et al. [2006] | Study = 2, population = 1, N = 1,115 |
16p13.3 | Butcher et al. [2008] | Study = 1, population = 3, N = 3,195 |
Study 1 is a family study, 2 is the COGA (Collaborative Studies on Genetics of Alcoholism) family study. Population 1 is from the Netherlands, 2 is from Australia, 3 is from the United Kingdom.
N indicates sample size.