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. 2011 May 2;6(5):e16814. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016814

Table 1. Sixteen cohorts of Stegastes partitus used in temperature analysis, 13 of which were used in selective mortality analysis (divided into age groups).

Cohort Settle Month-Yr Mean LT Mean JT Number of Total N LG (µm) PLD (d) Settlement Size (µm) JG(µm)
5 Feb-03 20.6 21.2 18 18 36 7.8 29.2 234.3 4.6
6 Mar-03 21.0 21.3 14 14 28 7.8 29.9 239.1 4.7
9 Apr-05 22.9 23.9 14 8.0 29.6 244.1 4.8
8 Jan-04 23.9 23.4 19 7.8 30.2 228.6
1 May-00 25.8 26.7 17 22 14 53 8.1 28.1 235.4 5.0
A Jun-01 26.0 27.2 70 29 42 141 7.4 28.3 211.1 5.7
10 Oct-05 26.7 26.5 15 8.6 26.3 232.3 4.2
D Jun-02 27.7 28.3 13 32 39 84 8.3 25.6 219.5 5.3
B Jul-01 28.2 28.8 176 45 115 90 426 7.8 28.4 222.8 5.1
F Jul-03 28.5 28.7 34 14 19 67 7.9 26.7 211.1 5.2
2 Jul-02 28.6 29.3 34 34 68 8.3 24.5 210.5 5.1
4 Oct-02 28.6 28.0 20 8 28 8.0 27.0 224.0 6.0
C Aug-01 28.9 29.4 68 27 82 38 215 8.2 27.7 234.2 5.1
7 Aug-03 28.9 29.4 15 34 49 8.6 26.7 234.3 5.9
3 Sep-02 29.3 28.8 20 11 31 8.3 25.5 220.6 5.0
E Aug-02 29.4 29.3 23 15 45 83 8.2 26.7 222.1 5.2

Mean LT and JT refer to near-reef water temperature (°C) averaged over the first hatch date to last settlement date (LT) and the first settlement date to last collection date (JT). Larvae (L) are settlement-stage larvae collected in light traps. Recruits (R) are juveniles from 1-7 d post-settlement; Intermediates (I), 8–14 d post-settlement; Survivors (S), 15–21 d post-settlement. Larval growth (LG) is mean otolith increment width over the entire pelagic larval duration (PLD); Juvenile growth (JG) is mean otolith increment width over the first 6 d post-settlement. Settlement size is otolith radius at the time of settlement.