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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Health Promot. 2010 JUL-AUG;24(6):e1–e25. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.081013-LIT-248

Table 1.

Randomized Controlled Trials Testing Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi

Source No. of Subjects/Mean Age Sex (Male/Femal e) Exercise Duration (minutes × days per week) Exercise Group Control group Reported Outcomes * P<.05
Audette Jin Newcomer Stein Duncan & Frontera, 2006 USA 27 Sedentary women 71.4 years 0/27 12 weeks (60 minutes × 3 days) Tai Chi 10 movement Yang (n=11) Brisk Walking (n=8); Usual Care (UC) later recruited and not randomized (n=8) Cardiopulmonary:
VO2 max ↑ in TC more than BW and UC*; heart rate variability, high frequency ↑ and low frequency ↓ in TC only* no between
Falls and Balance:
Strength, hand grip and knee extension ↑ TC only* and left knee extension ↑ in TC more than BW *; flexibility, only toe touch flexibility ↑ in TC more than BW*; and balance, only non-dominant one leg stance (OLS) with eyes closed ↑ in TC more than BW*
Barrow Bedford Ives O’Toole & Channer, 2007 UK 52 Older adults history chronic heart failure 69.5 years 42/10 16 weeks (55 minutes × 2 days) TC with Chi Kung (n=25) Usual Care (n=27) Cardiopulmonary:
Incremental shuttle walk ↑ in TC more than UC ns
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Perceived symptoms of heart failure ↓ in TC more than UC*
Depression (SCL-90-R) ↓ in TC more than UC ns; anxiety ↓ in both groups ns
Brismee Paige Chyu Boatright Hagar McCaleb Quintela Feng Zu Shen, 2007 USA 41 History of knee osteoarthritis 70 years 7/34 12 week TC and 6 week no training (40 minutes × 3 days/6 weeks group training and 6 weeks home training; and 6 weeks detraining) TC Yang 24-form simplified (n=18) 6 weeks of Health Lecture followed by no activity same as exercise group (n=13) Physical Function:
WOMAC ↑ in TC more than HL* with ↓ for detraining period
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Pain ↓ in TC more than HL*; adverse outcomes ns
Burini Farabollini Ianucci, Rimatori Riccardi Capecci Provinciali & Ceravolo, 2006 Italy 26 History of Parkinson’s disease 65 years 9/17 7 weeks each of Aerobics (45 min × 3 days) and Qigong (50 min × 3 days) 20 sessions each with 8 weeks between sessions Qigong (QG) (n=11) Aerobic Training (AT) sessions (n=11) Cardiopulmonary:
6-minute walk and Borg scale for breathlessness ↑ and spirometry and cardiopulmonary exercise test ↓ for AT more than QG*
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire ns for both; Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale ns; Brown’s Disability Scale ns
Beck Depression Inventory ns
Chan Qin Lau Woo Au Choy Wingyee Lee & Lee, 2004 Hong Kong 132 History of post-menopausal and sedentary 54 years 0/132 12 months (45 min 5 × days) Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style (n=54) UC (n=54) Bone Density:
Fractures (1 TC and 3 UC) BMD measured by Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry in femoral neck, ↓ in TC less than UC ns and trochanter ↓ both ns; peripheral quantitative computed tomography of distal and ultradistal tibia ↓ less in TC than UC*
Channer Barrow Barrow Osborne & Ives 1996 UK 126 History of MI 58.5 years ?/? 8 weeks (2 days × 3 weeks, then 1 day × 5 weeks) TC Wu Chian-Ch’uan (n=38) Aerobic Exercise (n=41) or Cardiac Support Group (n=41) discussed risk factor modification and problems in rehab. Cardiopulmonary:
Immediate SBP and DBP ↓ TC and AE ns and HR ↑ in AE more than TC *; Over time, SBP ↓ both ns and DBP and resting HR↓ in TC more than AE *; SG too small for comparison
Chen Yeh & Lee 2006 Taiwan 87 History of BMD T ≥ −2.5 45 years 0/87 12 week (studied for 2 weeks, then 3 days/week) QG Baduanjin (n=44) No Qigong (n=43) Bone Density:
BMD maintained in QG and ↓ in NQ*;
Interleukin-6↓ in QG and ↑ in NQ*
Cheung Lo Fong Chan Wong Wong Lam Lau Karlberg 2005 Hong Kong 88 Older adults in community, history of hypertension 54.5 years 37/51 16 wk (120 min × 2 days × 4 weeks then monthly and encouraged to practice 60 min in AM and 15 min in PM × 7 days) QG Guolin (n=37) Exercise (n=39) Cardiopulmonary:
BP, HR, waist circumference, BMI, Total cholesterol, renin and 24 hour urinary protein excretion ↓ QG and E ns; ECG QG and E nc/ns
SF-36 ↓ E ns
Beck Anxiety Inventory ↓ and Beck Depression Inventory ↑ QG and E ns
Choi Moon & Song 2005 South Korea 59 Living in care facility, ambulatory with history of at least 1 fall risk factor 77.8 years 15/44 12 weeks (35 min × 3 days) Tai Chi Sun-style (n=29) UC (n=30) Falls and Balance:
Falls ns, but falls efficacy for TC ↑ and ↓ UC*; knee and ankle strength, OLS eyes open, and Toe reach ↑ and 6 meter walk ↓ more than UC*; OLS eyes open nc
Falls efficacy for TC↑ and ↓ UC*
Chou Lee Yu Macfarlane Cheng Chan & Chi 2004 Hong Kong 14 Community dwelling Chinese, history of depression from a psycho- geriatric clinic 72.6 years 7/7 3 months(45 min × 3 days) Tai Chi Yang Style18 form (n=7) Waitlist (n=7) Psychological:
Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale ↓ TC more than W*
Elder, Ritenbaugh Mist Aickin Schneider Zwickey & Elmer 2007 USA 92 History of completing 12 week wt loss intervention and loss of at least 3.5 kg 47.1 years 13/79 24 weeks (10 hours overall with 28 min qigong sessions) Qigong Emie Zhen Gong (n=22) Tapas Acupressure Technique (n=27) and Self-Directed Support (n=24) Cardiopulmonary:
Wt loss maintenance for TAT and ↑ QG and SDS*
Faber Bosscher Chin Paw & vanWieringe n 2006 Netherlands 238 Frail (51%) or pre-frail (48.9%) older adults living in care facility 85 years 50/188 20 week (60 min exercise and 30 min social time × day × 4 weeks for socializatio n, then × 2 days for 16 weeks) Tai Chi (balance exercises inspired by TC) (n=90) Functional Walking (n=66) or UC (92) Falls and Balance:
Falls lower for TC more than FW and UC ns; When FW and TC combined, Fall risk↓ and physical function (6 meter walk, Timed chair stand, TUG, and FICSIT-4) ↑ compared to UC in pre-frail*, frail ns, also TC compared to FW ns
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment ↑ for TC and FW and exercise groups combined more than UC* and pre-frail*, frail ns; Groningen Activity Restriction Scale ↓ for FW more than control* TC vs UC ns
Fransen Nairn Winstanley Lam & Edmons 2007 Austrailia 152 Older adults, history of chronic symptomatic hip or knee osteoarthritis 70.8 years 40/112 12 week (60 min × 2 days) TC for Arthritis by Dr. Lam from Sun Style 24-forms (n=56) Hydrotherapy (n=55) and Wait List control (n=41) Physical Function:
WOMAC: Pain and function ↓ TC and H ns with treatment effect for physical function moderate*; pain score ↓ for H compared to WL*, TC ns; Physical performance: TUG, 50-foot walk, and stair climb ↓ more for H than WL*; and timed stair climb for ↓ TC and H ns
SF-12 Physical ↑ H more than WL* and TC more than WL borderline*; SF-12 Mental ns
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Pain and function ↓ TC and H ns
Depression Anxiety & Stress 21 ↓ in H* and TC ns
Galantino Shepard Krafft Laperriere Ducette Sorbello Barnish Condoluci & Farrar 2005 USA 38 History of long term care of HIV/AIDS Between 20 and 60 38/0 8 weeks (60 minx 2 days) TC (n=13) Aerobic Exercise (n=13) and UC (n=12) Physical Function:
FR, SR, Sit Up, and Physical Performance Test all improved more than UC* and TC compared to AE nc
Medical Outcomes Short Form-HIV improved TC and AE more than control*; Spiritual Well Being improved TC AE and UC ns
Profile of Mood States improved TC and AE more than control*
Gatts and Woollacott 2006 USA 19 Balance impaired seniors 68–92 years 2/17 3 weeks (90 min × 5 days) Tai Chi Twelve Classical Tai Chi Postures (n=11) TC Based and axial mobility program; same group practiced TC after control time (n=8) Falls and Balance:
TUG ↓ more for TC than control*; FR↑ for TC and control; OLS and tandem stance both legs ↑ more TC than control*; tibialis anterior more ↑ for TC than control*; gastrocnemius ↑ only TC after control time*
Gemmell & Leathem 2006 New Zealand 18 History of traumatic brain injury symptoms 45.7 years 9/9 6 weeks (45 min × 2 days) TC Chen Style (n=9) Waitlist UC (n=9) QOL:
SF-36 and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale no different ns except role emotional ↑ TC more than UC*
Visual Analogue Mood Scales improved TC more than UC*; Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale nc, ns
Greenspan Wolf Kelley O’Grady 2007 USA 269 Congregate independent living, transitionally frail with at least 1 fall in past year >70 years and 50% over 80 0/269 48 week (60 increasing to 90 min × 2 days) TC 6 simplified forms (n=103) Wellness Education (n=102) Physical Function:
Sickness Impact Profile for physical function and ambulation ↓ more TC than WE*
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Sickness Impact Profile and physical and ambulation perceived health status ↓ TC more than WE* and Self Reported Health nc TC and WE ns
Hammond & Freeman 2006 UK 133 History of fibromyalgia from a rheumatology outpatient department 48.53 years 13/120 10 weeks (45 min × 1 day) Tai Chi for Arthritis (part of patient Education group including fibromyalg ia informatio n, postural training, stretching and weights) (n=52) Relaxation Group (n=49) Self-efficacy:
Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale ↑ TC more than RG at 4 months* at 8 months ns
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire ↓ TC more than RG* at 4 months* at 8 months ns
Anxiety and depression TC and TG ns
Hart Kanner Gilboa-Mayo Haroeh-Peer Rozenthul-Sorokin Eldar 2004 Israel 18 History of stroke, community- dwelling 54.77 years 16/2 12 weeks (60 min × 2 days) TCC (n=9) Balance Exercises (n=9) Falls and Balance:
BBS, OLS, Emory Fractional Ambulation Profile, Romberg, TUG improved in BE*, not TCC ns
Duke Health Profile improved TC*, not BE ns
Hartman Manos Winter Hartman Li & Smith 2000 USA 33 Community dwelling with lower extremity osteoarthritis 68 years 4/28 12 weeks (60 min × 2 days) TC 9 form Yang (n=18) Usual Care with phone calls every 2 weeks to discuss issues related to Osteoarthritis (n=15) Physical Function:
OLS, 50-ft walk, and chair rise TC and UC ns with small to moderate effect size for TC only
Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale II(satisfaction with life) ↑ and tension ↓ more for TC than UC* Pain and mood both ns
Arthritis self-efficacy ↑ TC more than UC*
Hass Gregor Waddell Oliver Smith Fleming Wolf 2004 USA 28 Older adults transitioning to frailty 79.6 years ?/? 48 weeks(60 min × 2 days) Tai Chi 8 of 24 simplified forms (n=14) Wellness Education (n=14) Falls and Balance:
Center of pressure during S1 and S2 improved for TC more than WE* S3 for both ns
Irwin Olmstead & Oxman 2007 USA 112 Healthy older adults 70 years 41/71 16 weeks (40 min × 3 days) Tai Chi Chih (n=59) Health Education (n=53) QOL:
SF-36 improved for physical functioning, bodily pain, vitality and mental health for TC more than HE*; Role emotional ↓ for HE more than TC*; Role physical, general health, and social functioning both groups ns
Beck Depression Score ↑ TC and HE ns
Varicella zoster virus-Responder cell frequency ↑ TC more than HE*
Irwin Pike Cole & Oxman 2003 USA 36 Healthy older adults 60 years 5/13 15 week (45 min × 3 days) Tai chi Chih (n=14) Wait List (n=17) QOL:
SF-36 only role-physical and physical functioning improved more for TC than WL*
Varicella zoster virus-cell-mediated immunity ↑ more for TC than WL*
Jin 1992 Australia 96 Tai Chi practitioners 36.2 years 48/48 History of TC 46.4 mo males/34 months females 2 sessions of exposure to stress followed by respective treatment Tai Chi Long form or Yang Style (n=24) Brisk Walking (n=24), TC Meditation (n=24), and Neutral Reading (n=24) Psychological:
Profile of Mood States improved all treatments* with state anxiety ↓ in TC more than reading*; BP and HR ↑ under stress for TC and BW more than M and NR*; Adrenaline ↓ more for TC than M*; noradrenaline ↑ more for TC than NR*; and salivary cortisol ↑ all groups*
Judge Lindser Underwook & Winsemius 1993 USA 21 Sedentary women 68 years 0/21 6 months(20 min walking plus other exercise × 3 days for TC and no exercise for 12 weeks, then 30 min x1 day for FT) Tai Chi simple with strength training and walking (n=12) Flexibility Training (n=9) Falls and Balance:
OLS ↑ more for TC than FT ns; knee extension ↑ more for TC than FT*; and sitting leg press improved TC and FT ns
Kutner, Barnhart, Wolf, McNeely, & Xu 1997 USA 130 TC Balance training and control mostly women/Healthy older adults 76.2 years ?/? 15 weeks (45 min total × 2 days TC and 1 day BT and ED) TC 10 modified forms from 108 (n=51) Balance Training (n=39) and Education Control (n=40) QOL:
SF-36 all groups nc
Self confidence ↑ more for TC and BT than EC*
Rosenberg self esteem ↑ more TC than BT or EC ns
Lansinger Larsson Persson & Carlsson 2007 Sweden 122 History of long term nonspecific neck pain 43.8 years 36/86 3 month (1 hour × 1–2 days/week × 10–12 sessions) Qigong Biyun (n=60) Exercise Therapy (n=62) Physical Function:
Grip strength and Cervical ROM ↑ both groups ns
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Neck pain and Neck Disability Index ↓ both groups ns
Lee Lee Kim & Choi 2004a AND Lee Lim & Lee 2004b Korea 36 History of hypertension 53.4 years 14/22 8 wk (30 min × 2 days) Qigong Shuxinping xuegong (n=17) WaitList (n=19) Cardiopulmonary: (2004a)
BP ↓ more in QG than WL*; HDL and APO-A1 ↑ more in QG than WL*; high-density lipoprotein and Apolipoprotein A1 ↑ and total cholesterol ↓ in QG pre-post*; Triglycerides ↓ in QG and ↑ in WL ns
Self-efficacy: (2004b)
Self efficacy and perceived benefits↑ in QG and ↓ in WL*
Psychological: (2004b)
Emotional state ↑ in QG and ↓ in WL*
Lee Lee Kim & Moon 2003a AND Lee Lee Choi & Chung 2003b Korea 58 History of hypertension 56.2 years 10 weeks (30 min × 3 days) Qigong Shuxinping xuegong (n=29) UC WaitList (n=29) Cardiopulmonary: (2003a)
HR ↓ more in QG than WL*; Epinephrine and norepinephrine ↓ for QG and ↑ for WL*; cortisol ↓ for QG and ↑ for WL ns
Psychological: (2003a)
Self report stress↓ QG more than WL*; Epinephrine and norepinephrine ↓ for QG and ↑ for WL*; cortisol ↓ for QG and ↑ for WL ns
Cardiopulmonary: (2003b)
BP and catecholamines ↓ for QG and ↑ for UC*; Ventilatory function ↑ more for QG than UC*
Lee Y. K. Lee & Woo 2007a Hong Kong 139 Resident of care facility, ambulatory, Chinese and 82.7 years 45/96 26 weeks (60 min × 3 days) Tai Chi (n=66) UC (n=73) QOL:
Health Related Quality of Life ↑ TC more than UC*
Psychological Symptoms:
Self Esteem ↑ TC more than UC*
Li Fisher Harmer & Shirai 2003 USA 48 Older adults 68.88 years 3 months (3 days/wk) Tai Chi Yang 8- form easy Tai Chi (n=26) Stretching Control (n=22) Falls and Balance:
OLS improved TC more than SC*
Physical Function:
SF-12 physical, instrumental activities of daily living, 50-ft walk, and chair rise all improved TC more than SC*
SF-12 mental ↑ more TC than SC*
Li Fisher Harmer Irbe Tearse & Weimer 2004 USA 118 History of moderate sleep complaints and community dwelling adults 75.4 years 22/96 24 week (60 min × 3 days) Tai chi Yang (n=62) Exercise Control (n=56) Physical Function:
OLS and SF-12 physical ↑; and chair rise and 50-ft walk ↓ TC more than EC*
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Sleep duration and efficiency ↑ and sleep quality, latency, duration, and disturbances; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; and Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index ↓ more for TC than EC*; Sleep dysfunction both and medication ↓ TC only ns
SF-12 mental ↑ both ns
Li Harmer Fisher McAuley Chaumeton Eckstrom & Wilson 2005b AND Li Fisher Harmer & McAuley 2005a USA 256 Sedentary 77.48 years 77/179 6 month (60 min × 2 days) TC Yang Style 24 forms (n=125) Stretching Control (n=131) Falls and Balance: (2005b)
Fewer falls and fewer injurious falls for TC than SC*; and BBS, Dyamic Gait Index, FR and OLS ↑ and 50 ft walk and TUG ↓ more for TC than SC* all sustained at 6 month follow-up
Falls and Balance: (2005a)
Activities Specific Balance ↑ more for TC than SC*
Self-efficacy: (2005a)
Falls Self-efficacy↑ (mediator) and fear of falling (SAFFE) ↓ more for TC than SC*
Fear of falling (SAFFE) ↓ more for TC than SC*
Li Harmer McAuley Duncan Duncan Chaumeton & Fisher 2001a USA 49 Sedentary and community dwelling 72.8 years 9/85 6 month (60 min × 2 days) Tai Chi Yang style 24 forms (n=49) WaitList (n=45) Physical Function:
SF-20 (physical function) ↑ more TC than WL*
Li Harmer McAuley Fisher Duncan & Duncan 2001b AND Li Fisher Harmer & McAuley 2002 AND Li Harmer Chaumeton Duncan Duncan 2002 AND Li McAuley Harmer Duncan & Chaumeton 2001 USA 94 Sedentary 72.8 years 9/85 6 month (60 min × 2 days) Tai Chi Yang style 24 forms (n=49) WaitList (n=45) Physical Function: (2001b)
SF-20 physical Function ↑ among TC more than WL over time* r scores
Self-efficacy: (2001b)
Self-efficacy ↑ among TC more than WL over time* r scores
QOL: (2002)
SF −20 (General Health Survey) ↑ more for TC than WL*; TC with lower levels of health perception, physical function, and high depression at baseline and Movement confidence ↑ = ↑ physical function *
Psychological: (2002)
Physical function self-esteem and Rosenberg self-esteem ↑ more for TC than WL*
Self-efficacy: (2001)
Barrier and performance Self-efficacy ↑ TC more than WL*; exercise adherence ↑ TC than WL*; and SE conditions related to adherence for TC
Maciaszek Osinski Szeklicki & Stemplewske 2007 Poland 49 Sedentary, history of osteopenia or osteoporosis 60 to 82.1 years 49/0 18 week (45 min × 2 days) 3 month (20 min × 1 day) Tai Chi 24 form (n=25) UC (n=24) Falls and Balance:
Posturographic Platform (time ↓; % task performance and total length of path ↑ for TC*; and % task performance and total length of path ↑ more for TC than UC*
Mannerkorpi & Arndorw 2004 Sweden 36 History of Fibromyalgia 45 years 0/36 Qigong with Body Awareness (n=19) UC (n=17) Physical Function:
Chair stand and hand grip TC and UC ns
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Body Awareness ↑ TC more than UC*; fibromyalgia symptoms TC and UC ns
Manzaneque Vera Maldonado Carranque et al. 2004 Spain 29 Healthy young adults 18–21 14/15 1 month (30min × 5 days) Qigong Eight Pieces of Brocade (low intensity) (n=16) UC (n=13) Immune/Inflammation:
Leukocytes, eosoinophils, monocytes, and C3 levels ↓ TC than UC*; trend for neutrophils; and total lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, t helper lymphocytes, concentrations of complement C4 or immunoglobulins ns
McGibbon Krebs Parker Scarborough Wayne & Wolf 2005 USA 36 History of vestibulopath y 59.5 years 16/20 10 weeks (70 min × 1 day) Tai Chi Yang (n=19) Vestibular Rehabilitation (n=12) Falls and Balance:
Gait speed ↑ TC more than VR*; step length ↑ for TC and VR*; stance duration ↓ VR* more than TC; Step width ↑ VR and TC ns: Mechanical energy expenditure (hip ↓ TC more than VR*; ankle ↑ more for TC than VR*; knee and leg both ns); Peak trunk forward velocity ↑ TC more than VR*; forward velocity range and peak or range of lateral trunk velocity TC and VR ns; Peak trunk angular velocity ↑ more for VR than TC*; and trunk angular velocity in frontal plane and change in peak and range TC and VR ns; Trunk velocity peak and range positively correlated with change in leg mechanical energy expenditure for TC* and VR negative relationship
McGibbon Krebs Wolf Wayne Scarborough & Parker 2004 USA 26 History of Vestibulopath y 56.2 years 11/15 10 weeks (70 min × 1 day) Tai Chi Yang (n=13) Vestibular Rehabilitation (n=13) Falls and Balance:
Gaze stability ↑ more for VR than TC*; Whole-body stability and foot fall stability ↑ more for TC than VR*; Correlation between change in gaze stability and whole-body stability, and foot-fall stability and gaze stability for VR not TC*; Correlation between foot-fall stability and whole-body stability for VR and TC*
Motivala Sollers Thayer & Irwin 2006 USA 32 out of 63 who completed RCT for Herpes Zoster risk in aging study 68.5 years 14/18 37 week TC (? Min × 1 day) TCC (n=19) Passive-Rest and slow moving physical movement (n=19) Cardiopulmonary:
Pre-ejection period ↑ post task more for TC than PR*; BP and HR TC and PR ns
Mustian Katula Gill Roscoe Lang & Murphy 2004 AND Mustian Katula & Zhao 2006 USA 21 History of breast cancer 52 years 0/21 12 week (60 min × 3 days) Tai Chi Yang and Chi Kung (n=11) Psychosocial Support (n=10) Cardiopulmonary: (2006)
6-minute walk ↑ for TC and ↓ for PS*; aerobic capacity ↑ for TC and ↓ for PS ns
Physical Function: (2006)
Muscle strength (hand grip ↑ for TC and ↓ for PS*); and flexibility (abduction ↑ TC and PS, flexion, extension, horizontal adduction and abduction ↑ more for TC than PS*; and body fat mass ↓ for TC and ↑ for PS ns
QOL: (2004)
Health Related Quality Of Life ↑ for TC* and ↓ PS ns Psychological: (2004)
Self esteem ↑ for TC and ↓ for PS*
Nowalk Prendergast Bayles D’Amico & Colvin 2001 USA 110 Long term care residents 84 years 7/48 13 to 28 months (3 × week) Tai Chi with behavioral component (n=38) Physical therapy weight training (n=37) and Education Control (n=35) Falls and Balance:
Falls No difference between groups
Pippa Manzoli Corti Congedo Romanazzi & Parruti 2007 Italy 43 History of stable chronic atrial fibrillation 68 years 30/13 16 week (90 minutes × 2 days) Qigong (n=22) Wait-List control (n=21) Cardiopulmonary:
6-minute walk ↑ for QG and ↓ for WL*; Ejection fraction, BMI, cholesterol ns
Sattin Easley Wolf Chen & Kutner 2005 USA 217 Transitionally frail with history of 1 or more falls in past year (55 African Americans) 70–97 years 12/205 48 weeks (60–90 min × 2 days) Tai Chi 6 of 24 Simplified (n=158) Wellness Education (n=153) Falls and Balance:
Activities Specific Balance ↑ more among TC than WE*
Falls Efficacy Scale ↓ more among TC than WE*
Shen Williams Chyu Paige Stephens Chauncey Prabhu Ferris & Yeh 2007 USA 28 Sedentary from a senior living facility 79.1 years 7/21 24 week (40 min × 3 days) TC Yang Style Simplified 24 forms (n=14) Resistance Training (n=14) Bone Density:
Sedentary older adults on bone metabolism (Serum Bone Specific alkaline phosphatase/Urinary Pyridinoline ↑ more for TC than RT at 6 weeks* and TC returned to baseline and RT less than baseline*; Parathyroid hormone ↑ more for TC than RT at 12 weeks*; serum 1,25-vitamin D3 TC and RT ns; serum calcium ↑ more for TC than RT at 12 weeks compared to 6 weeks*; urinary calcium ↓ for TC* not RT; serum and urinary Pi TC and RT ns
Song Lee Lam & Bae 2003 AND Song Lee Lam & Bae 2007 Korea 72 History of osteoarthritis and no exercise for 1 year prior 63 years 0/72 12 week (60 min × 3 days for 2 weeks then × 1 day for 10 weeks) Tai Chi Sun Style modified for arthritics (n=22) UC (n=21) Cardiopulmonary: (2003)
BMI, 13 minute ergometer TC and UC ns
Falls and Balance: (2003)
OLS, trunk flexion and sit ups ↑ more for TC than UC*; Flexibility and knee strength TC and UC ns
Patient Reported Outcomes: (2007)
Pain and stiffness ↓ and perceived benefits ↑ more for TC than UC*;TC performed more health behaviors than UC*
Stenlund Lindstrom Granlund & Burell 2005 Sweden 95 History of coronary artery disease 77.5 years 66/29 12 weeks (60 min QG and 120 min of discussion on various themes) Qigong (TC & Medicinsk Qigong) (n=48) UC (n=47) Falls and Balance:
Falls Efficacy Scale, tandem standing, OLS Left, Climb boxes Left TC and UC ns; OLS Right and climb boxes right ↑ more for TC than UC*; and co-ordination ↓ more for UC than TC*; and Self reported activity level ↑ for TC more than UC*
Fear of falling between TC and UC ns
Thomas Hong Tomlinson Lau Lam Sanderson & Woot 2005 Hong Kong 207 Healthy, community dwelling 68.8 years 113/94 12 months(60 min × 3 days) Tai Chi Yang style 24 forms (n=64) Resistance Training (n=65) or UC (n=78) Cardiopulmonary:
Energy expenditure ↑ for TC and RT more than UC ns; Waist circumference and HR ↓ more TC and RT than UC ns; Insulin sensitivity ↓ more for RT than UC* and more for TC than UC ns; BMI, body fat, BP, Cholesterol, and glucose TC, RT, and UC ns
Tsai Wang Chan Lin Wang Tomlinson Hsieh Yang & Liu 2003 Taiwan 76 Sedentary with pre- hypertension or Stage I 52 years 38/38 12 wk ( 50 min × 3 days) Tai Chi Yang (n=37) UC (n=39) Cardiopulmonary:
BP& total cholesterol ↓ for TC* and ↑ for UC ns; BMI and HR TC and UC ns; Triglyceride ↓ TC* and ↑ UC*; LDL ↓ TC* and ↑ UC ns; High- density lipoprotein ↑ TC* and ↓ UC ns
Trait and State anxiety ↓ TC* more than UC ns
Tsang H.W. Fung Chan Lee & Chan 2006 Hong Kong 82 history of depression and chronic illness 82.4 years 16/66 16 weeks (30–45 min × 3 days) Qigong Baduanjin (n=48) Newspaper Reading group with same intensity (n=34) QOL:
Personal Well Being ↑ for QG and ↓ NR *; and General Health Questionnaire ↓ QG and ↑ NR*; and Self-concept ↓ more TC than NR*
Chinese General Self-efficacy and Perceived Benefits Questionnaire ↑ more for QG than NR*
Geriatric Depression Scale ↓ more for QG than NR*
Tsang HW Mok Yeung & Chan 2003 Hong Kong 50 History of chronic disease 74.6 years 26/24 12 week (60 min × 2 days) Qigong Eight- Section Brocades (n=24) Basic Rehabilitation activities (n=26) QOL:
Physical health, activities of daily living psychological health and social relationships improved for QG*; Self-concept and WHOQOL-BREF QG and BR ns
Geriatric Depression Scale ↓ TC and BR ns
Tsang T. Orr Lam Comino & Singh 2007 Australia 38 Sedentary, community dwelling, type 2 diabetics 65.4 years 8/30 16 week (45 min × 2 days) Tai Chi for diabetes (12 movement hybrid from Yang and Sun (n=17) Sham Exercise (seated calisthenics and stretching) (n=20) Physical Function:
6-minute walk, habitual and maximal gait speed, muscle strength and peak power ↑ TC more than SE ns; Endurance ↓ more for SE than TC ns; and Habitual Physical Activity ↑ TC and ↓ SE*
Falls and Balance:
Balance index ↓ TC and SE ns; OLS open ↑ TC and nc SE ns; OLS closed and tandem walk ↓ TC and SE ns; Falls 0–2 TC and SE ns
SF-36 (except Social Function ↑ for TC and ↓ SE*) and Diabetes Integration Scale TC and SE ns
Voukelatos Cumming Lord & Rissel 2007 Australia 702 Community dwelling 69 years 112/589 16 weeks (60 min × 1 day) Tai Chi 38 Programs mostly Sun-style (83%) Yang (3%) (n=271) Wait-List (n=256) Falls and Balance:
Sway on floor and foam mat, lateral stability, coordinated stability, and choice stepping reaction time improved TC more than WL*; Maximal leaning balance range ↑ TC more than WL ns; Fall rates less for TC (n=347) than WL (n=337)*
Wang Roubenoff Lau Kalish Schmid Tighiouart Rones & Hibberd 2005 USA 20 Community dwelling with Rheumatoid Arthritic class I or II 49.5 years 5/15 12 week (60 min × 2 days) Tai Chi Yang Style (n=10) Stretching and Wellness Education (n=10) Physical Function:
Chair stand and 50-ft walk ↑ TC and WE ns; American College of Rheumatology 20 ↓ TC more than WE*; hand grip not reported; Health Assessment Questionnaire ↑ more TC than WE*; Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-Reactive protein ns
SF-36 ↑ more TC than WE with only vitality*
Patient Reported Outcomes:
Pain ↓ TC and ↑ WE ns
Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale ↑ more TC than WE*
ESR and C-Reactive protein ns (note TC higher level at baseline)
Wennenberg Gunnarsson & Ahlstrom 2004 Sweden 36 History of Muscular Dystrophy 33–80 years 19/17 12wk (Weekend immersion, then 45–50 min × 1 day for 4 weeks, then every other week for 8 weeks) Qigong (n=16) Wait-List control (n=15) Cardiopulmonary:
Forced vital capacity and expiratory volume ↓ QG and WL ns
Falls and Balance:
BBS unchanged for QG and ↓ WL ns for intervention period; subgroup A
SF-36 general health unchanged for QG and ↓ WL* and other dimensions ns; Ways of Coping: positive reappraisal coping ↓ for QG and unchanged for WL*, Confrontative coping ↑ QG and ↓ WL ns, and other dimensions ns
Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale QG and WL ns
Winsmann 2006 USA 47 Veterans 49.55 years 47/0 4 weeks (75 min × 2 days) Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style (n=23) UC included group therapy (n=24) Patient Reported Outcomes:
Dissociative Experiences and Symptom Checklist 90 ↓ TC more than UC ns
Wolf O’Grady Easley Guo Kressig & Kutner 2006 USA 311 Transitionally frail with average of 5.6 comorbidities 80.9 years 20/291 48 weeks (60–90 min × 2 days) Tai chi 6 of 24 simplified forms (n=158) Wellness Education (n=153) Cardiopulmonary:
BMI ↓ TC and ↑ WE*; SBP and HR ↓ TC and ↑ WE*; DBP ↓ TC more than WE*
Physical Function:
Gait Speed and FR ↑ TC and WE ns; Chair stands ↓ 12.3% TC and ↑ 13.7% WE*; 360° turn and pick up object similar change TC and WE ns; and OLS nc
Wolf Sattin Kutner O’Grady Greenspan & Gregor 2003b USA 311 Transitionally frail with average of 5.6 comorbidities 80.9 years 20/291 48 weeks (60–90 min × 2 days) Tai chi 6 of 24 simplified forms (n=145) Wellness Education (n=141) Falls and Balance:
TC lower risk for falls from month 4 to 12; RR falls TC and WE 0.75 (CI=0.52–1.08) ns
Wolf Barnhart Ellison Coogler & Gorak 1997a USA 72 Sedentary 77.7 years 12/60 15 weeks (60 min × 2days TC group) Tai Chi 108 forms simplified to 10 forms (n=19) Balance Training (n=16) and Education Control (n=19) Falls and Balance:
Balance: Dispersion for OLS (eyes open), toes up (eyes open and closed), Center of Balance X with toes up (eyes open) and Center of Balance Y (OLS eyes open and closed) ↓ more BT than ED and TC*; Dispersion for toes up (eyes open), Center of Balance X OLS (eyes open and closed) and Toes up (eyes closed), and Center of Balance Y for toes up (eyes open and closed) TC, BT, and ED ns;
Fear of falling ↓ more for TC than BT and ED*
Wolf Barnhart Kutner McNeelly Coogler & Xu 2003a USA 200 Community dwellling 76.2 years 58/242 15 weeks (45 minutes weekly in class plus 15 min 2 × daily) Tai Chi (n=72) Balance Training (n=64) and Education Control (n=64) Cardiopulmonary:
BP↓ more for TC than BT and ED*; 12-minute walk ↑ 0.01 mile for BT and ED and ↓ 0.02 for TC*; Body composition changes for TC, BT and ED ns
Physical Function:
Left hand grip strength ↓ more in BT and ED than TC*; Strength of hip, knee and ankle via Nicholas MMT 0116 muscle tester, lower extremity ROM changes TC, BT and ED ns
Falls and Balance:
Intrusiveness↓ more for TC than ED ns; RR for falls in TC 0.632 (CI 0.45– 0.89)* using FICSIT fall definition and for BT and other fall definitions ns
Fear of falling ↓ more for TC than BT and ED*
Woo Hong Lau & Lynn 2007 China 180 Community dwelling 68.91 years 90/90 12 months (?min × 3 days) Tai Chi Yang style 24 forms (n=30) Resistance Training (n=29) and UC (n=29) Falls and Balance:
Muscle strength (grip strength and quadriceps) ns; Balance (SMART Balance Master, stance time, gait velocity, and bend reach); and falls for TC, RT and UC ns
Bone Density:
Women: BMD loss at hip less for TC and RT than UC*; BMD loss at spine less for TC and RT than UC ns; Men: no difference in % change in BMD
Yang Verkuilen Rosengren Grubisich Reed & Hsiao- Wecksler 2007a USA 49 Healthy adults 80.4 years 10/39 6 months (60 min × 3 days) Qigong (sitting and standing) and Taiji Chen style Essential 48 form (n=33) Wait-List (n=16) Falls and Balance:
Sensory Organization Test vestibular ratios and Base of Support measures ↑ more for TC than WL*↑; Sensory Organization Test visual ratios and feet opening angle for TC and WL nc
Yang Verkuilen Rosengren Mariani Reed Grubisich & Woods 2007b USA 50 History of received flu immunization and sedentary 77.2 years 13/37 20 weeks (60 min × 3 days) Qigong (sitting and standing) and Taiji Chen style Essential 48 form (n=27) Wait-List (n=23) Immune/Inflammation:
Hemagglutination Inhibition assay ↑ 109% for QG compared to ~10% for WL*
Yeh Wood Lorell Stevenson Eisenberg Wayne et al. 2004 USA 30 History chronic stable heart failure 64 years 19/11 12 weeks (60 min × 2 days) Tai chi Yang-style 5 core movements (n=15) UC including pharmacologi c therapy, dietary and exercise counseling (n=15) Cardiopulmonary:
Peak O2 uptake↑ TC and ↓ UC ns; 6-minute walk ↑ TC and ↓ UC*; Serum B-type natriuretic peptide ↓ TC and ↑ UC*; Plasma norepinephrine ↑ TC more than UC ns; and no differences in incidence of arrhythmia between groups
Minnesota Living with Heart Failure ↓ TC and ↑UC*
Young Appel Jee & Miller 1999 USA 62 History of BP between 130 and 159 and not taking medications for hypertension or insulin (45.2% black) 66.7 years 13/49 12 weeks (60 min × 2 days class with goal of 30–45 min/4–5 days/week) TC Yang Style 13 movements (n=31) Aerobic Exercise class at 40 to 60% HR reserve (n=31) Cardiopulmonary:
BP↓ TC and AE *; BMI ↑ slightly TC and AE ns; and time in moderate activity, weekly energy expenditure, and leisurely walking ↑ for AE more than TC ns
Zhang Ishikawa- Takata Yamazaki Morita & Ohta 2006 China 47 History of poor balance 70.4 years 25/22 8 weeks (60 min × 7 days) TC simplified 24 forms Zhou (n=24) UC (n=23) Falls and Balance:
OLS, trunk and flexion more TC than UC*; 10 minute walk ↓ TC and UC ns
Psychological Symptoms: Falls Efficacy Scale ↑ more TC than UC*

BBS, Berg Balance Scale; BMD, Bone Marrow Density; FR, Functional Reach; nc, no change in scores; ns, scores not significantly different between groups; OLS, One leg stance; SR, Sit and Reach; TUG, Timed Up & Go; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; ↑, increase in score; ↓, decrease in score.


p < .05 between groups