Siglec-5 expression is upregulated by activation of chimpanzee but not human lymphocytes, and correlates with lack of proliferation in human cells. A, CFSE-labeled PBMCs were stimulated for 5 d with varying amounts of anti-CD3 Ab (clone HIT3a), and then stained for Siglec-5 expression. B, Siglec-5 mean fluorescence intensity of PBMCs stimulated with increasing amounts of anti-CD3. Data shown are the average of three different experiments with SD. C, Fold increase in cell number over unstimulated cells (calculated by dividing the number of live cells in stimulated cultures by the number of cells in unstimulated cultures) for human lymphocytes that are Siglec-5 positive, compared with cells that are Siglec-5 negative. Data shown are the average of three different experiments with SD. **p < 0.01.