Figure 10. MSI-367 decreases and curcumin increases the CH dipolar couplings.
PELF spectra reveal A comparison of one-dimensional 1H-13C dipolar coupling spectral slices taken from 2D PELF-mix spectra (given in Figure 9) at 73.5 ppm (left) and 66.5 ppm (right). Spectra obtained from magnetically-aligned 7:2 DHPC/DMPC bicelles (prepared at a q ratio of 3.5 and 25 weight % lipids) at 35 °C ((a): 0 ms (black) and 1ms (red) mixing times), bicelles containing 5 mole % MSI-367 ((b): 0 ms (black) and 1ms (red) mixing times), and bicelles containing 5 mole % curcumin ((c): 0 ms (black) and 1ms (red) mixing times). As indicated, the CH dipolar couplings measured from both sites in the lipid head group are smaller in the presence of the antimicrobial peptide MSI-367 (b) while they are larger in the presence of curcumin (c) when compared to that measured from pure bicelles (a).