Figure 2.
Semiquantitative expression of SOCS1, SOCS3, and SOCS5 genes in lungs after twelve weeks of OVA exposure. Relative mRNA levels of SOCS1 (a), SOCS3 (b), and SOCS5 (c) gene expression in lungs of different groups of mice were determined by real-time quantitative PCR. Values were normalized with rRNA gene used as endogen. Black bars represent the OVA group (n = 15), white bars the pEGFP group (n = 15), shaded bars the pEGFP-Gal-3 group (n = 20), and gray bars the SS group (n = 10). The results show relative gene expressions, as determined by the ΔΔCT method, after twelve weeks of antigen exposure. Significant differences in SOCS3 and SOCS1 (**P < .01 and ***P < .001) expression levels were obtained for the pEGFP-Gal-3 versus the OVA and pEGFP groups.