Figure 2.
TF is expressed in the peripheral leukocytes of ESRD patients. (A) The relative expression of TF or asTF mRNA in PMNs (i) and PBMCs (ii) obtained from healthy donors (HI, bar 1) or ESRD patients before (predialysis [Pred], bar 2) and during hemodialysis (bars 3, 4). Data are representative of 6 independent experiments (mean fold expression ± DCt SD). The Wilcoxon matched-pairs and Mann-Whitney tests were used to assess statistical significance: *P < .05. (B) The induction of TF expression in PMNs (i) and PBMCs (ii) isolated from ESRD patients before (bar 2) and during hemodialysis (bars 3, 4). The results are presented as ratios of the mean fluorescence intensities of the cells from patients to the cells from healthy donors (bar 1), stained with TF monoclonal antibody, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Data are representative of one experiment (mean ± SD of 4 healthy donors and 6 ESRD patients). The Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon matched-pairs tests were used to assess statistical significance: *P < .05. (C) TF expression in PMNs isolated from healthy donors (1-HI) or ESRD patients before (2-predialysis [Pred]) and during hemodialysis (lanes 3, 4). One representative Western blot analysis of 4 independent experiments is shown. Horizontal lines above data bars indicate statistical significance.