Panels a and b: mRNA expression of EDN1 (n=25) and MX1 (n=36) in lesional skin from dcSSc (SSc) patients and in control skin (n=6). Fold-changes shown on the graph are normalized to mRNA expression by one of the healthy controls. The average fold change of EDN1 and MX1 in SSc skin (13.05 ± SE 2.56 and 2.89 ± SE 0.33, respectively) compared to the average fold-change in control, healthy skin (2.62 ± SE 1.67 and 0.98 ± SE 0.29, respectively) was increased for EDN1 (4.98-fold increase, p<0.05) and MX1 (2.95-fold increase, p<0.05). Panels c-e: Human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC) treated with the TLR ligands: poly(I:C), LPS, sspolyU or CpGA in duplicate wells, as described in the methods, were analyzed for EDN1 (panel c), MX2 (panel d) and ICAM-1 (panel e) expression. Expression in each case was normalized to one of the control, untreated wells. Panel f: HDMECs were treated with bafilomycin (30 nM), poly(I:C) or both and analyzed for EDN1 expression.