Figure 2.
Stimulus-response functions relating group mean evoked discharges (± SEM) of L6-S1 Type II spinal dorsal horn neurons (DHNs) excited by urinary bladder distension (UBD) in rats that were exposed to acute footshock (AFS; closed circles), chronic footshock (CFS; open circles) or no footshock (NFS; closed triangles). UBD-evoked discharges were calculated as the difference between the total activity measured for the 20 sec period of UBD and the ongoing spontaneous activity. (A) In intact preparations, both AFS and CFS enhanced UBD-evoked discharges of Type II spinal DHNs compared to the NFS condition. (B) After spinalization, responses of Type II neurons were only enhanced after CFS. * and ** indicate significantly different from the NFS condition with p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively. N=22–32/group.