Table 3.
Nearest neighbors to the word “baker” using various measures of semantic similarity.
pTCM vector space | pTCM free associate | LSA |
quimby | helper | gaslight |
frits | tennessee | pastry |
wiggle | cindy | holmes |
liza | peel | sherlock |
roberts | shoemaker | kendrick |
rogers | cooper | passersby |
miyo | loaf | sirhan |
mandy | rotten | richard |
frances | lazy | cakes |
cass | shop | tarts |
handing | baked | humphrey |
pooh | blacksmith | wallace |
jed | cakes | dough |
gregory | onion | hubert |
nicky | dough | irwin |
oswald | novels | daley |
zaphod | baking | assasinations |
pippi | huddled | begrimed |
gran | batter | leavened |
The first column shows the nearest neighbors in the pTCM semantic space. The second column shows the free associates of “baker” using pTCM. The third column shows the LSA nearest neighbors with pseudodoc weighting from with words that appeared in the corpus less than or equal to three times removed. The highest ranking word for all three measures was baker, which has been removed from this table.