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. 2011 Apr 8;14:18. doi: 10.1186/1758-2652-14-18

Table 1.

Initial HIV classifications based on rapid antibody test results from two CVCT centres

Kigali, Rwanda Lusaka, Zambia Total
August 1, 2005 - March 30, 2007 January 1, 2002 - March 30, 2008
N % N % N %
Total couples tested 12,952 9,958 22,910
 Clear concordant
  M- : F- 10,122 78.15% 4,567 45.86% 14,689 64.12%
  M+ : F+ 712 5.50% 3,538 35.53% 4,250 18.55%
 Clear discordant
  M+ : F- 584 4.51% 811 8.14% 1,395 6.09%
  M- : F+ 733 5.66% 906 9.10% 1,639 7.15%
Subtotal couples with clear results 12,151 93.82% 9,822 98.63% 21,973 95.91%
 Indeterminate/Discrepant (D) rapid test results
  M- : FD 242 1.87% 25 0.25% 267 1.17%
  MD : F- 387 2.99% 50 0.50% 437 1.91%
  MD : FD 102 0.79% 6 0.06% 108 0.47%
  MD : F+ 44 0.34% 42 0.42% 86 0.38%
  M+ : FD 26 0.20% 13 0.13% 39 0.17%
Subtotal with at least one partner having unclear results 801 6.18% 136 1.37% 937 4.09%

Initial classifications for couples tested between Kigali, Rwanda, and Lusaka, Zambia, were clearly concordant negative (both partners HIV negative, M-:F-), clearly concordant positive (both partners HIV positive, M+:F+), clearly discordant (one partner negative, one partner positive; M+:F-, M-:F+). Couples classified as indeterminate and/or discrepant (D) either had one partner clearly negative (M-:FD, MD;F-), one partner clearly positive (MD:F+, M+:FD), or both partners indeterminate and/or discrepant (MD:FD).